Chapter 13

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We rode for about 45 minutes before we even saw a store, and when we did it looked like a fancy Ikea. Fancy showrooms greeted you as soon as you strolled through the door and so did some blonde with perky tits and a friendly smile. Her eyes lit up when she looked in our direction, pulling down her already low cut blouse she sauntered over to Ryder, completely ignoring me and my swollen belly.

Her breasts are probably fake. My subconscious glared, as she swayed her hips a little too much for my liking.

"Signor Bandini, nessuno mi ha detto che si stavano per essere qui oggi, se avessi saputo che avrei fatto l'organizzazione del solito. Quello che posso ottenere per voi oggi?" ("Mr. Bandini, no one told me that you were going to be here today, if I had known I would have made your usual arrangements. What can I get for you today?") She smiled as she wrapped herself around his arm, batting her Elsie the Cow eyelashes at him.

A frown slipped on my face, I didn't like the way she wrapped herself around him, a part of me wanted to walk over to them and rip her away from him, but I had to stop myself. He was just the father of my child, not my boyfriend or anything else.

Ryder and I just had unusual circumstances that brought us together. We have no feelings for each other, we barely even know each other. I told myself as I walked around looking at the different setups.

Besides, if you take away the oblivious whore, this place really is beautiful. I mean I could really see some of these concepts in my home. Beautiful handcrafted furniture was everywhere around me.

"Sono qui con il mio fidanzato a guardare vivai. Io e lei si aspettano una bambina presto e mi piacerebbe avere le cose spediti a New York prima di partire. E per favore parlare inglese, che deve ancora imparare l'italiano". ("I'm here with my fiance to look at nurseries. She and I are expecting a little girl soon and I would like to have the things shipped to New York before we leave. And please speak English, she has yet to learn Italian"). He extracted himself from her grasp and surprised me by walking over to where I was looking at the furniture.

Wrapping his arm around my waist he kissed my temple. I had to fight the urge to laugh at the shocked expression on her face as I placed my hand on Ryder's chest out of spite.

"Oh you have a fiancé that's great." Her left eye started twitching. "If you would like to follow me I can show you the rooms and see if we can find something to your liking. We strode over to a few nurseries that seemed huge for just one little baby.

"Um I don't think that we need something this big I mean she's a tiny baby." I walked around the room in confusion.

"Well you're going to need this much space for twins no?" she tried to look innocent.

"Excuse me?" I was giving her the chance to correct herself and not get punched in her Botox Barbie face.

"You are carrying twins, si? That's the reason you are so grande?" she continued to keep that innocent look on her face but I saw through that bullshit when the first insult flew out her mouth. Before anyone could say or do anything I had fake Barbie's hair wrapped in my hand and proceeded to smash her face into the nearest object which happened to be the crib she was showing me. As she landed on the floor in a crying mess two rock hard arm enveloped me

"Tesoro please calm down. We just had one scare with our piccolo Angelo, the last thing we need is for you to be doing anything to stress, or harm yourself." He looked me in the eyes once and I relaxed. After he was sure that I wouldn't go clawing at her again he turned his deadly eyes toward her.

"I vostri servizi non sono più necessari Tina. Ora a meno che non vuoi che chiami Blaise e gli dico di preriscaldare il forno per una cremazione vita, ti consiglio di uscire e non mostrare il proprio volto in giro il mio fidanzato e ho di nuovo." ("Your services are no longer needed Tina. Now unless you want me to call Blaise and tell him to preheat the oven for a live cremation, I'll advise you to leave and not show your face around my fiancé or I again.") He led me to another section where there were more suitable rooms, and its a little twisted but i enjoyed the fear i saw in her eyes

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