Chapter 40

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Trigger Warning: S.A. is mentioned in this chapter 

With my back against the mat, I could hear Dahlia calling out to me, but it sounded like rushing water in my ears. I could hardly breathe, and I had to act fast.

"Come on, Jada, what's your next move?" Kimmie mutters in my ear, while pinning me down.

Bringing my arm up I elbow her in the face. Using her disorienting state to my advantage. I Wrap one of my legs around hers and rotate my arm around her neck forcing her down to the mat. Hovering above her I hold my fist over her face. Giving me a proud smirk, she taps on the space next to me signaling to get off her.

Standing up I walked over to where there was water waiting, but for the first time I realized we had an audience. Donny and Nadia were standing off to the side, her looking shocked and him with a devious grin on his face.

"I knew you could take her." He cheered as I grabbed my water.

"You did, huh? How about we go a round on the mat?" Kimmie spoke darkly, staring at him.

"Oh," Donny grunted out, bending over slightly. "Maybe another time when my ribs aren't in so much pain. For now, I am just escorting Nadia here. Unlike the two of you," he pointed at Dahlia and Kimmie. "I have real work to do." Picking up a medicine ball Dahlia throws it at Donny, as he runs out of the gym.

Watching the whole interaction Nadia let's out a tiny giggle. When our gazes move to her the laughter ceases. She looks a little scared, like her laughing was a bad thing. I didn't want her to feel that way, she shouldn't be afraid of showing her emotions.

"Hi, you're Nadia, right? I'm Jada," I introduce myself. "I never really got a chance to thank you for helping me deliver my baby."

"No need to thank me. As long as your baby is healthy, that is enough of a thank you."

"She is very healthy, but I still want to say thank you. You hardly knew me, and you still helped me."

"Where I come from, if the women don't look out for each other no one will," she states sadly.

"Speaking of looking out for each other, the girls are teaching me some things that I can use to defend myself now that I'm not pregnant. Would you like to learn some with me?"

Nodding her head eagerly she stepped up onto the mat. For thirty minutes Kimmie was teaching Nadia a few moves for people twice her size, showing her that just because she's small doesn't mean she can't use that to her advantage. She was actually having fun and laughing. At one point she even tried to make a joke.

She was starting to relax, which was good for me. I needed her to get close to us so she could feel comfortable opening up. After spending less than ten minutes with her, I understood why Donny wanted me to talk to her, with every sound that echoed in the gym she would jump or make a little squeak sound. It got so bad that even Dahlia started watching her.

We were just about to regroup when the gym doors opened again, and Dominic walked in with a few other guys. They were laughing and heading over to the weightlifting equipment. Except one —Nadia stiffened and took a cautious step back as the tall figure with ice blond hair approached us.

"What do we have going on here, ladies?" His eyes roamed over the four of us.

"Shouldn't you be working out with the guys over there, Paolo? Not harassing us." Kimmie sneered, grabbing a few bamboo poles and handing us each one.

"Working out is for the weak." He steps up on the mat and I don't miss the way Nadia inches closer to Kimmie and Kimmie moved in tandem with Nadia. "I wouldn't mind helping you ladies get as big and strong as me." He flexes his muscles.

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