Chapter 44

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Death was something that most people grew accustomed to in this lifestyle, but in less than 24 hours I had lost the majority of the people I considered my family, but nothing prepared me for the way my heart shattered as I looked into the face of my dead fiance.  He's really gone, was my only thought as I stared into the desolate eyes of the bodiless corpse. I guess somewhere deep inside I thought he would burst through the doors and save us.

But he was gone and it left me numb to everything around me.

My reverie was broken when a knife clattered to the floor. Pulling my eyes from Ryder's, as I made a silent promise to take care of our daughter, I turned my eyes over to the demeanted Romeo and Juliet. Dahlia's abdomen was covered in blood as she and Kieran looked deeply into one another's eyes. She didn't look like she was in pain, in fact she looked totally at peace.

Her eyes were glazed over with contentment. All the pain and anguish that she held in her eyes was now gone. Kieran held her gaze and it seemed that the two of them were having an intimate moment. I didn't know whether to be angry or to give them privacy.

Don Leo must've felt the same way because he pushed off the wall and marched to the center of the room with a scowl on his face. "I was promised pain and agony! Where the hell is it?"

"You people are so impatient, do you have any respect for the art of your kill," Kieran's voice is soothing as he strokes her face as if it's a masterpiece. Stepping away he stands behind me, he places his hands on my shoulder and I flinch slightly. "She's almost there, you can't  rush the process. Losing her family, watching her best friend in turmoil. It's almost like the angels are on the brink of a beautiful symphony."

His hands slide down my arm and they stop on top of mine. Bracing myself for another break, I tense up waiting for the pain, only to feel a jagged piece of metal pressed into the palm of my hand. He steps from behind me moving back in front of Dahlia; he stares up at her as if she's an enigma. "She's raw, but she needs something more."

"How about the loss of the man she loves." Pulling out his gun Frank shoots Kieran in his side.

The agonizing scream that tore from Dahlia's throat was something that I've never heard before. She yanked at the chains that held her captive and out of reach from Kieran as he laid on the ground holding his side to stop the bleeding. Begging him to stay focused on her until she could get free.

"And there it is, the girl who became her family's ultimate weapon does have a heart. All those years of training didn't prepare you for this, did it?" Frank drawls staring at Dahlia.

"So this is the plan huh?" Kieran grunts in a thick accent with a harsh laugh. "We had a fucking deal, what the hell is wrong with you?" Kieran whips out his gun, but before he could pull the trigger Frank shoots him three times in the chest, causing Dahlia to wail out in pain when Kieran falls back on the floor.

"Deals are meant to be broken, you imbecile. I let you kill my own son. What made you think you were safe." Frank taps twice on the door, and Ivan walks in with the mean scowl on his face. Frank makes his way over to Kieran who is laughing as blood coats his lips. "Finish him off and then get rid of the body. Make sure his men don't see. We'll make it look as if the girl killed him before we could."

"A bhuachaill Frankie, ligeann tú do do chara tú a threorú díreach chuig do uaigh. Níl aon rud níos contúirtí ná bean a chaill gach rud.. (Oh Frankie boy, you let your friend lead you right to your grave. Nothing is more dangerous than a woman who has lost everything)." Kieran coughs out as he relaxes back, his breathing turning shallow.

Frank shakes his head in disgust. Picking up Kieran by the arms Ivan drags him out of the room, which is a feat in itself—since he's twice his size. As he disappears behind the metal door Dahlia cries out for Ivan to bring him back, and Don Leo laughs.

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