Chapter 38

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Ryder's POV

"Nevaeh please get Judge Johnson on the phone," I announced through the intercom.

"Why?" Her dull voice rang out through the intercom.

"I don't pay you to ask questions. I pay you to do as I ask, now get the damn Judge on the phone!"

She had become a serious pain in my ass since the hospital put Jada into a medically induced coma. After that, the hospital asked that we refrain from moving Jada and the baby, they had all the equipment for them and ensured that this was the best way to treat them. I moved back into my room at my parents' house as they were closer to the hospital and I couldn't bear to be at the penthouse without my wife or baby.

Neveah was persistent in trying to help me "move on."The first couple of days she kept coming by the house asking if I needed some company. Then she started leaving pamphlets on my nightstand, when I was out, about grieving a loved one properly and moving on is key. If she wasn't the daughter of one of my most valuable business partners for laundering my money, I would kill her myself but her family knows too much and I have invested way too much into several of their businesses.

Rubbing my temples, I was starting to get frustrated when an overly chipper voice sounded through the intercom. "Judge Johnson is on the line for you."

Rolling my eyes, I picked up the phone. "Ryan, how are you?"

"I'm great Ryder. Always good to hear from you." Judge Johnson chuckled. "Also, that lovely assistant of yours. Sweet girl." Gritting my teeth, I tried to keep my composure. "Anyway, how is that lovely fiancé of yours? Saw that interview. Kind of a little hurt I had to learn about your engagement on television. After everything, we've been through. He feigned hurt.

Chuckling to myself I glanced down at the picture of Jada on my desk and tried to keep my emotions in check. "She's doing fine, just gave birth to our daughter, so she's been resting" I lied through my teeth.

"I can't lie, part of me was hoping that the story of you two was just hot gossip amongst socialites."

My brows furrowed in confusion and I had to keep my anger in check. "And why is that Ryan?"

"Well a small part of me thought that Jada and my son would get back together, she's a great girl and would have been an amazing wife"

"Your son?"

"Luke." He said nonchalantly. "He and Jada had been together a long time so I was hoping he would get his head out his ass and propose to her but it seems like she's moved on and I could have asked for a better man to be with her. She is a true treasure, it's a shame her family didn't see it." he sighed.

I was half-listening as I dug through the drawer attached to my desk, Jada's file lay at the bottom, opening it the first picture I see is of her smiling at the beach. She looked radiant, her hair was tossed in the wind, shaking my head I flipped through the tabs until I got to the one for Ex-boyfriends. Passing by her preschool boyfriend, I rolled my eyes at the stupid picture of Luke. His last name isn't even Johnson. It's Reynolds.

How could my guy miss this? I thought as I read everything he had on the little rat but there was nothing on his father being Judge Johnson He also missed that she was raised in the cartel for the first half of her life. my subconscious snickered with sarcasm

"Ryder are you still there, son?" Judge Johnson called out.

"Yeah, sorry I just got a new file for one of my cases." Opening my private drawer, I tossed Jada's file inside of the cabinet locking it. "Which is the reason I called. I need a few search warrants."

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