Chapter 45

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A/N: Right before the car bomb rescue in Chapter 27

Ryder's POV

" I know that the chemicals in your brain have altered your sense of fight or flight, but you must have a true death wish coming to see me." I arched my brow as I rested my chin on my clasped hands. Kieran stands on the other side of my desk with a smirk on his face. He has no back up with him. Just a tall burly blonde man. "Why are you here Kieran?"

"I come in peace Bandini, I have some informa—"

My phone buzzed on the desk, and I held up my hand to silence him. Tesoro flashed on the screen and a flutter ran through my chest as Jada's picture from that interview with Claudia popped up. God, she looked gorgeous that day, and the way she looked at me during that interview and held my hand, it gave me hope for this relationship.

"Hello," I lean back in my seat waiting to hear her melodic voice.

"Ryder, it's Jada, we have a bit of a problem." The fear in her voice had me standing up, my heart kicking up as I thought about what could possibly have happened since we left church. I knew I should have gone with her or at least sent Marco and Dante like I had originally planned.

She had gone silent and the phone beeping had indicated that our call had definitely disconnected. Going to my contacts as I stare down the Irish prick sitting in my office, hit Dahlia's name, and waited as it rang twice before getting her loud ass voicemail.

"Problem," Kieran smiles smugly.

Snatching him by the collar of his shirt, I slam him down on the desk between us as I pull out the revolver in the drawer of my desk and point it at the back of his head. Blond guy goes to move, and I turn the gun on him. "I fucking dare you."

"Aye stand down," Kieran barks out, stopping his friend in his tracks. Instead of freaking out or trying to escape my hold, the son of a bitch starts laughing maniacally, like I just told the funniest joke in the world.

"You have five seconds to tell me what you did with my fiance and sister before I put a bullet in your skull."

"Well what makes you think I had something to do with this?"

"What the hell do you take me for? I know about the secret meet ups between you and my sister for the past few months, I know all about your trip to Italy and I know that you've got something up your sleeve so start talking." After he went back to Ireland Dahlia wasn't the same, and miraculously three years ago she started disappearing randomly for long periods of time and when she was home she would disappear for hours at a time. It was clear that Dahlia was a drug that he couldn't shake.

"I am not the enemy here. Do you honestly think I would walk into the lion's den if it was my intention to kill you, I already lost her once Bandini it's not my intention to do it again." Releasing his collar, Kieran straightens up and dusts off his suit. "Bleeding hell this is Tom Ford."

"I could give a rat's ass what knock off brand you're wearing to your funeral. What the fuck do you have to say besides the reason's on why I shouldn't shoot you where you stand."

"Hold your trigger finger little Bandini. There's a lot going on and I for one am not going to let your ego cost me my sweet girl." Lowering my gun slightly, Kieran could see that I was intrigued. Smirking, he took a seat across from me and gestured for me to do the same. "Recently old man Callaghan got a visit from a man, an American man."

"At this point I'm thinking you're stalling." His boss wasn't of any particular interest to me. The man has tried to kill me at least three times, so hearing about the man when my fiance is in danger wasn't really a pressing matter right now

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