Chapter 1

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"So get this guys, Political Heiress Farah Morales was seen out on the town today with Lukas Reynolds, and it looked like these two were quite cozy as they walked hand in hand down the Blvd in LA, super cute right, well it seems cute until you realize he has been dating her sister for like six years."

"What?!?! No that can't be right, can it?"

a clip of Luke and Farah coming out of a store kissing flashes on the screen, and then another pops up of them kissing on someone's yacht. Like seriously what the hell? He told me he was visiting his grandmother this weekend. They put the TMZ hosts back on the TV and they looked just as shocked as I am.

"Luke, we just have a couple of questions. What happened with Jada, is this a recent thing or has this been going on for a while, weren't you just in Cancun with Jada a week ago, does she know that it's over?"

"Well... What did he have to say?"

"Come on now Harvey for the guy to be a lawyer you know he had the dumbest answer?

Now they're showing the two of them walking through the airport. Their heads are down and they're holding hands while shielding their faces from the camera, but I know it's them. Luke finally looked up at the camera and spoke.

"You know guys, it's been a really long night and I would like to keep my business my business so let's just move on yeah...

Everything after that became a hum of noise in the background as I stared at the tv. Luke had been blowing me off all week with half ass excuses, but I thought it had something to do with the workload he had been complaining about. Nothing would have prepared me for this.

Seeing my boyfriend of six years on every news station, talk show and gossip column with him in intimate, and compromising positions with my sister, he already knew I had a very strained relationship with my family but this was a new low.

I should've seen it coming. It was typical for everyone to choose my older sister. She was the beautiful, tall, thin, outgoing, head cheerleader all four years and knew how to persuade everyone in her direction. While I was the complete opposite of her in every way and nothing has changed since we got older, except the fact that she dyed her hair blonde. So I guess I shouldn't be surprised that he would pick her.

My phone ringing snaps me out of my self hatred trans. I already knew who it was, they had been calling me non stop since the story aired and just like before I ignored the calls. I didn't want to hear it, my mothers condescending words, or Luke's manipulative ones.

"What a great way to start off my 23rd birthday?" My subconscious sneers. Shutting off my phone, I was determined to enjoy my birthday, and deal with what was to come tomorrow. Besides, if anybody important wanted to reach me they had my other phone to call.

A few hours later...

Leaving my apartment had been a terrible idea! From the moment I stepped my foot out the door paparazzi had been waiting to ambush me. Asking questions about Luke and Farah, 'if I was going to get revenge. How do my parents feel about this'... the list was endless, but like I was dutifully trained I placed a million dollar smile on my face and gave very vague answers until I got to my car.

The last thing I want to do is smile all night, when I don't feel happy. So going to a normal club would be out of the question. The chances of running into anyone I knew as far as my socialite group would happen frequently tonight after the airing, and I did not want to talk about Luke, or get those fake sympathetic looks either.

No!! Tonight was about me and I decided to go where no one knew me.., and that's how I ended up at a club in Queens.

Getting out of the car I stared at the big sign that said Tipsy Wolf. There was no paparazzi, which I was thankful for. Walking to the club a shiver ran down my back as I realized there were no bouncers and the street was completely empty. There had to be people inside because the music was blasting so loud I could hear it from across the street where I parked.

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