Chapter 17

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"How do we stop the bleeding," Kimmie cried as Ryder swerved through the crowded streets of Italy.

He was driving so fast I was scared that we would all be dead before we could get Blaise help. He didn't look too good; skin deathly pale and blood covered every inch of the back seat.

"Jada," Ryder called my name and I glanced up to see him peering at me through the rearview mirror. "I know that you're a little traumatized right now, but I need you to do what you've always wanted to do and save someone's life today."

Nodding my head, I tried to focus on helping Blaise. My hands were covered in blood and I felt like I was going to be sick. I don't know why I felt this way, I have drawn blood in class a hundred times but seeing Blaise like this is really hard. Truth is I've never seen anyone injured before. In class it was all just fake.

Taking a deep breath, I cleared everything out of my mind. This was just someone who came into the ER and needed my help. Not someone who just tried to save my life. You went to school for almost four years for this. You are ready. I hadn't realized that I closed my eyes until I opened them again.

Lifting the cardigan from against Blaise's chest I watched as the blood poured out. Fuck this look bad. Kimmie made a weird sound in the back of her throat and looked away. He was losing way too much blood and I wondered if the bullet actually went through or if it's still in there.

"Kimmie I am going to need your help. To lift him up."

Letting out a gasp she looked hesitant. "Is he going to be in pain?"

"He's going to be in pain for a little bit, but it's necessary for me to find out what I need to do."

Nodding her head, she placed her arms on his shoulders and I placed mine on his back. Rolling Blaise on his back he screamed out in agony and Kimmie almost removed her hands. Giving her a look, she tightened her grip..

Examining his back, I didn't see any blood or a hole in his shirt. Shit, that meant the bullet was still inside of him. I would have to remove it myself, which I have never done. Nurses just usually assist in this type of thing, not actually perform the procedure themselves. Letting Blaise back down slowly I had to think about how I'm going to do this.

Breathe Jada. Don't freak out. You were born to do this. It's just a man's life in your hands. Okay, think Jada, makeshift things you can use to dig a bullet out of someone.

"There is no exit wound which means I have to get the bullet out. Kimmie do you have a makeup bag?" Reaching below her Kimmie grabbed her purse and dumped the contents all over the floor. Seeing a lighter I grabbed it immediately with the makeup bag. Finding a set of tweezers, I almost kissed them in gratification. "I know it's pretty early but do either of you have any form of alcohol?" I asked burning the end of the tweezers.

"Blaise does Kimmie said anxiously reaching in the second row of the SUV." Picking up a leather jacket she reached in the pocket and pulled out a gold flask. "We had surprise mimosas. Pure vodka..." she trailed off like she was lost in thought.

Taking the flask out of her hands, I gripped the shoulder of his shirt, and ripped it opened. Seeing where the blood was coming from, I poured a generous amount of vodka on the wound and watched as the bleeding stopped. Pouring vodka on the tweezers I said a silent prayer as I stuck them inside of Blaise and started digging the bullet out.

I had no clue what the hell I was doing. We never actually got to the assisting part of surgery in school. I had watched a couple as part of an assignment, but this is totally different than sitting in a balcony watching someone who is unconscious get cut open. My patient was currently on the edge of life in death.

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