Chapter 8

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Eyeing the chair as if it was a trap, Ryder sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. What if it was one of those trap chairs that when you sit down a steel bar comes across you. Then I would be stuck in the chair while they did god knows what to me.

Placing his hands on my shoulders he forced me down into the seat. Squeezing my shoulder gently in warning, and took his seat next to me.

I could feel all eyes on me at the table and was too terrified to look up. Feeling the need to leave, I tried to get up from my seat. Ryder quickly clamped his hand down on my thigh, keeping me in my place. Glaring at him his attention was focused on the minimal conversation happening around the table.

I was about to tell him to remove his hand when someone said my name.

Turning to the person, I was met with the beautiful blue eyes I had seen earlier, except now they seemed to have a silver hue to them. She gave me a friendly smile, waiting patiently for my answer.

"I'm sorry, what?"

"So Dahlia tells me that you're going to school to be a nurse. That's going to come in handy with the baby coming." She smiled sweetly and grabbed the salt and pepper haired man's hand.

I had forgotten that Ryder's hand was on my thigh, until I felt his thumb stroke my thigh. Sending sparks up my leg, I forgot my answer.

Grabbing the water that was placed in front of me I gulped down half of the glass before answering her.

"I-I... Yes I'm in my final semester." I forced out trying to remove Ryder's hand. I had to concentrate to get something on these people so I can get the hell out of here. "Hopefully, I will be finished with my studies by the time my baby gets here, then I will know how to handle things."

Finally able to remove his hand I was able to have a clear head. There wasn't much to go off of based off of everyone's facial expressions. They weren't giving much away on how they felt about the current situation. The only person who seemed incapable at keeping a neutral look was the brunette from Toxic. She was glaring at me with disdain in her eyes.

"I am so excited about the baby," Her eyes shined with delight. "Dahlia tells us that you're her roommate back in New York, is that how you two met?" She questioned, and I heard Dahlia make a weird sound under her breath that sounded like a growl.

Normally I would have answered the question but something else she said caught my attention.

"What the hell does she mean back in New York? Where the hell did you take me?" I narrowed my eyes at the father of my child.

"Perché vorresti dirlo? Mamma ho chiesto espressamente che non parla di New York!" (Why would you say that? Mom I specifically asked you not mention New York!) Ryder yelled.

"Guarda come si parla con tua madre, Ryder o non esiterò a bussare te sul tuo culo." (Watch how you talk to your mother, Ryder or I won't hesitate to knock you on your ass) the man at the head of the table spoke as he continued cutting his steak.

"Sì signore. Madre spiacente."(Yes sir. Sorry mother) Ryder eyes softened as he looked at his mother

"Don't ignore me Ryder, tell me where the hell am I?" glowering at the side of his head trying to calm my hormones so i don't throw him down on this table and have my way with him.

"I took you to my home where I could protect you.." I'm getting really sick of all this vague shit.

"Protect me, if I remember correctly, two months ago I saved you from being stabbed in a club, took out two of your big goons and the only way you could stop me was to drug me. I think I have better chances back in New York." I crossed my arms glaring at him.

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