Chapter 10

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Bed rest, you can't be serious," I stated in disbelief.

I scowled at Linda, I wanted to strangle the old woman. Dahlia translated for me as she wiped sweat from my face.

Linda began to yell something and I looked at Dahlia. "Let's just say Linda does not joke around."

"You have got to be shitting me. I cannot be on bed rest lady. I need to get the hell out- ahh," I cried out, as I felt the sharp stab of pain in my side.

"Rest," Linda said firmly in English. Pushing me on my back into the pillows tears streamed down my face, from the pain. "Inspirare ed espirare."

She took in a deep breath and fanned her hands. Dahlia took in a deep breath and nodded her at me and I took a deep breath in. We probably looked like a bunch of idiots right now. Linda breathed out and Dahlia did the same thing and so did I. Repeating the same thing for a few more minutes and the pain subsided.

Finishing the breathing Linda stood up and spoke again. "You rest, okay."

"Okay," I spoke in a hushed tone, feeling my baby moving around a lot. Placing my hand on my bump, I said a silent prayer as another tear rolled down my cheek.

"And I told you to cancel the fucking meetings, now do i have to repeat my self or do i have to rip out you finger nails to remind you how to use a phone" Ryder bellowed in to the phone as he entered the room with Alice, who was carrying a pail of water. He looked over at me, and if I wasn't mistaken, his eyes were filled with concern. "Good lets not make it a habit to question me. Don't forget you're replaceable Nevaeh, secretaries are a dime a dozen." And with that he hung up the phone

Linda quickly moved across the room on her tiny legs. Reaching up she slapped Ryder in the back of the head.

"Che diavolo, Linda?" (What the hell, Linda?)

"Watch your mouth, Ryder." Alice uttered calmly as she sat the pail on the table next to Dahlia.

"Pensavo ti ho detto di prendere facilmente con lei? E 'quasi come se non si desidera che questo bambino Ryder."("I thought i told you to take it easy with her? It's almost as if you don't want this baby Ryder") she glowered.

"Ero lei era quella che ha deciso nel suo cazzo di infinita saggezza a sgattaiolare fuori. Non so che cosa diavolo c'è di sbagliato con lei." ("I was... she was the one who decided in her fucking infinite wisdom to sneak out. I don't know what the hell is wrong with her.") he ran my hand through his hair in frustration.

"Be 'quel che diavolo stai facendo, il contrario. Lei potrebbe aver perso la vostra bambina, non più stress. Se lei ti chiede di scalare l'edificio più alto in Italia e battere sul petto per farla sentire meglio, non la merda con un grosso culo il sorriso sul tuo viso " ("Well whatever the hell you're doing, do the opposite. She could have lost your little girl, no more stress. If she asks you to climb the tallest building in Italy and beat on your chest to make her feel better, do the shit with a big ass smile on your face"). With a scowl on her face Linda left.

Ryder had a stunned look on his face. He stumbled back as if he was in shock.

"W-what did she say," I asked nervously. "Is the baby going to be okay?"

"She's going to be just fine Tesoro," Ryder responded, still sounding a little shocked.

Did he just say? "Wait did you just say she? As in I'm having a girl."

"Yes, in fact karma's a bitch and we are indeed having a girl." Ryder flopped down in one of the lone chairs in the room.

This is so exciting, I looked at Dahlia with a huge smile on my face. I'm having a mini me. There are so many things that I can teach her. All of the things that my aunt Sarah...

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