Chapter 42

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It takes a split second for a piece of your world to fall apart, a snap of your fingers to make a heart stop beating, a blink to witness a tragedy right in front of your eyes

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It takes a split second for a piece of your world to fall apart, a snap of your fingers to make a heart stop beating, a blink to witness a tragedy right in front of your eyes. That was the moment as I watched Ricky fall into darkness. You never imagine how your friends or family are going to die, you just hope that they have a long and happy life, and that you don't have to witness the fear in their eyes in their last moments

Kimmie being the badass she was, reacted a split second later and was already following after him, hand wrapped around the elevator cable, she released her carabiner descending down at a rapid pace. Grabbing hold of the duffle bag strapped around Ricky, Kimmie lets out a pained grunt as they jerk to a stop on the cable

"Bitch I'm so glad your uptight ass is a highly trained assassin!" Ricky breathed out a shaky breath.

"Seriously! You just can't let a compliment be just that, can you?" She grunted as she tried to adjust her grip causing them to slide down a little. "Shit, Ricky. I think I broke my hand, and between you and the duffle bag I'm not sure how much longer I can hold on!"

"Okay, okay, let me think." Looking around his eyes landed on a set of doors "hey those doors lead to the lobby right?"

"Y-yeah, why? What are you thinking?" Kimmie's voice held a slight bit of panic.

If you can sing me over to the wall I can climb up and open them" He motioned to the ladder like bars on the wall, as Kimmie gave him an unsure look, as another explosion shook the building. "Hey.. hey look at me. I know that a lot is happening right now but I need you to tap into Kimberlee Ivanov. My gay ass is supposed to die in the arms of Aquaman or Thor, probably on a shaft but definitely not in one! Now swing!"

Taking a deep breath Kimmie began moving. Swinging back and forth they glided with ease as he reached for the bars each time he got closer until his hand found purchase on the bar.

"Let go," he called out as he gripped the bars, releasing him allowing him to climb up to the doors as she continued to swing once the door opened, she used her legs against the wall behind her and catapulted forward and through the door.

"Alice, it's up to you to get them out of here." Kimmie called out. "We'll meet at the designated spot but there's no way for us to get back up to you "

"No problem sweet, girl." Alice spoke while adjusting her stuff. "You two worry about yourselves. I will take care of everything up here."

"How are we going to get out of here," I asked when Alice directed her gaze towards me.

"Well, we need to get to the bottom of the shaft, no I can either release the tension in your rappel and I talk you through the descending process, or you attach yourself to my harness and we descend together."

Looking down at River, the first time I tried like this wouldn't be at the risk of my baby's life. "Attaching to you seems like the better of the two, don't cha think"

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