Chapter 16

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Hearing a dark chuckle coming out from across the courtyard. I moved my gaze to where the sound was coming from. Ryder was walking towards oily hair smirking.

"Really Jasper, you're going to threaten a pregnant woman," he scoffs out

I had to refrain from jumping up and yelling out hypocrite. Not so long ago the bastard was threatening me. Asshole.

"The only threat to that pregnant woman is you, if you don't come with us right now, Lorenzo." Jasper laughed condescendingly.

"Why do you keep calling me that, Jasper?" Ryder's smirk fell as he moved closer to Jasper; I could see the darkness in his eyes. It reminded me of a man without any armor stepping into a lion's den. Only Ryder wasn't the man he's the lion. "As many times as I've prosecuted your court cases, I can assure you that I am not Lorenzo Bandini. I am just a lawyer."

The look in Ryder's eyes told me that this was the only opportunity he would give Jasper to run with the lie.

"Non stai prendendo in giro nessuno qui. So la verita." (You're not fooling anyone here. I know the truth). Jasper spat out vehemently. "I spent five years in prison because of you. Now this is my opportunity to get revenge, Bandini." Jasper spoke the last name with a mocked tone.

Jasper snapped his finger, and I didn't know why, until I felt someone grab me by the hair and pull me from behind the booth. Seriously what is with people grabbing me by the hair? Is it because it's so shiny and has so much volume? Well not for long if they keep pulling it, you're going to have a bald spot in the middle of your head, my subconscious gasped out. This is what I get for being so nosy.

Gripping the bag of coconuts in my hand tightly, Russian guy smiled in my face showing me his disgusting teeth. Pulling me over the booth I kicked and screamed as my back ran against the many items on the table. He was doing this on purpose.

Fearing for my child I took what strength I had left, ignoring the pain coming from my skull, I threw the bag into his fat head. Stumbling backwards Russian guy released my hair. Sliding off the table I swung the bag again, encountering his face, this time blood shot out from his nose and mouth.

Russian guy fell to the ground and all I could see was red. Lifting the bag again I hit him again. That's for making me hang up on my cousin. I thought as I picked up the bag again. This is for putting my baby in danger, you asshat. Hitting him again and again until I heard the crack of the hard shells in the bag, I dropped it.

Russian guy was completely covered in blood. I had no idea if he's alive, but I could feel the adrenaline wear off and my hands began to shake. Did I really just do that?

"Looks like we've got ourselves a feisty one," I turned to see Jasper chuckling. "it's a good thing I brought more back up. Grab the girl and bring Signor Bandini."

More men came out of nowhere, and Ryder's shoulders tensed slightly as he looked around at the men coming out.

"Russians, Jasper I wouldn't have expected this from you. What would Don Leo think?" Ryder said watching me from the corner of his eye, while watching the people around him.

"Who do you think sent them," Jasper stated matter-of-factly.

"That's very bold of him to work with them, and also very bold of you to think I wouldn't come with backup as well."

"What you mean is your little lackies walking through the market with you."

At the wave of Jasper's hand, a man brought Kimmie out, his hand was around her throat. Seeing Blaise come out of nowhere he was standing next to Ryder.

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