Chapter 15

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It felt like I was walking through the market in a haze. I couldn't shake this weird feeling. I could feel their eyes on us everywhere we walked.

"Tesoro, are you okay? You've been really quiet." He gave me a concerned look. "Is it the baby? Do you need to rest? It is really hot today." Reaching in the small basket we got from one of the many people Ryder knows he pulled out a mason jar with yellow liquid. "This is Matteo's famous hand squeezed lemonade, it's very refreshing."

I couldn't help but giggle as he urged the glass at me and guided me over into shadier parts of the market.

"Thank you but I'm fine. I feel great, actually." I placed my hand on my burgeoning bump and began to rub soothing circles when the baby continued to move. I wasn't lying I haven't felt this happy in months, but let's be honest these past five months have been anything but interesting. From my ex cheating on me with my sister to getting kidnapped. "I was just thinking about what Giulia was saying," I continued. "About protection," I spoke as I rubbed the obsidian crystal nervously.

Scoffing Ryder rolled his eyes with a smirk. "Don't listen to Giulia, she's very eccentric. Swears she's psychic. Nothing is going to happen. This is my home. I trust all of these people." He gestures around us. "I've known them all since I was a small boy."

"She knew I was having a girl, Ryder." I arched my brow questioningly.

"Tesoro, Jada. She had a fifty percent chance of getting that right. If she would've said boy, she would simply state that her gift is weak today."

"So, you're saying that nothing she says is true?"

"All I'm simply saying is that you and our child are safe with me, hmm."

We continued to walk, and I noticed Ryder didn't answer the question. So, either he either believes Giulia, and doesn't want me to worry or he just thinks she's just crazy. I just wish I knew which one it is. Why is he always so freaking guarded and a book of riddles.

Sighing, I let Ryder lead me around the market again. This time I paid attention to what he was saying. This place is truly his element. He was joking with a man who was selling him some smelly, but very tasty cheese, when someone walked up and grabbed him by the head.

The person placed Ryder in a headlock and I gasped in shock. Why was no one trying to help him? I was about to smack him over the head with a jar of olives when the cheese guy started to laugh and clap.

Getting out of the headlock Ryder turned and hit the guy in the side of his abdomen. He buckled a little but stood straight back up. In my opinion he didn't hit him as hard as I thought he could. I was caught off guard when Ryder started laughing.

Bouncing from foot to foot Ryder held up his hands close to his face. He didn't have a hint of animosity in his features at all. He seemed to be enjoying himself.

"Don't mind them, they are driven purely by male testosterone." A girl with beautiful caramel skin and curly black and blonde hair stood next to me watching the two brawling men. "Everytime they have a free day they act like complete neanderthals.," she smirked, lifting the sunglasses she was wearing from her eyes.

"I'm Kimmie by the way," turning slightly towards me she held out her hand. Shaking her hand, she held firmly onto mine. "And that is Blaise."

She pointed to the two men who're currently rolling on the ground. Glancing around I could see people cheering them on. This must be a regular thing for them apparently.

Taking my eyes off the rowdy pair, I spoke to Kimmie. "I'm Jada."

"I know who you are. You're all anyone can talk about at the moment," she gave me a gentle smile. " Ryder never brings a girl home, unless she grew up here." She laughed."I am really excited to meet you."

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