Chapter 4

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"Oh my gosh that is the smallest thing I've ever seen," Dahlia gasped taking the picture from my hand.

"Let me see it," Ricky tackled her to the couch. Straddling her waist he looked at the black and white photo. "I don't see shit."

"Get off me you, dick. Your fat ass is heavy."

"Bitch, I am not heavy, your skinny ass is just weak. I do Pilates three times a week to keep all of these delicious curves." Ricky said climbing off of her. Walking towards me he swayed his hips.

Holding out the picture to me he smiled. "I can't believe we're going to have a baby, this is going right in my office" he cheered jumping up and down.

My boss and other best friend Richard Capello, or Ricky as I called him, was the owner of the club Toxic as well as Dahlia's' cousin. When you first meet him its a little scary, he has a no nonsense attitude, but after getting close you realize its all for business

"How is it that you managed to get pregnant by your first one night stand?" Ricky asked. "I mean I've had multiple one night stands and I've managed not to get knocked up."

"The last one night stand you had was before Damien, and that was four years ago. Besides you can't get pregnant." Dahlia said getting off the sofa. "How about we celebrate the baby?" Opening the fridge she pulled out a bottle of champagne.

"That's because my birth control is very effective," he retorted.

"Again you're a guy, if you weren't you would have an entire football team," I laughed out as Dahlia poured the champagne into to big glasses. 

"The world isnt ready to have Gods and Goddesses running around like that, that's why god made me gay?" Ricky sighed at hook the glass from Dahlia

"Guys don't you think it's a little early to "celebrate". It's not even noon yet."

"We're doing this for you Jay." Dahlia took a large sip out of her glass. "In order to make up for your nine months of you not drinking, we have to drink early in the morning. So it's like three people are drinking instead of two."

"Yes because your math is so logical. If two of you are drinking twice as much its like four people are drinking not three."

"Well I never said it was accurate math, maybe we're drinking for the baby who can't drink for twenty-one years."

Rolling my eyes I went to the refrigerator, grabbing a magnet I placed the little photo on it. It didn't dawn on me until now that I had all the family I needed, as I looked at my two best friends. My little peanut and I were gonna be okay.

"In all seriousness, how are you holding up Jay?" Ricky voice was serious.

"Surprisingly, I am doing good. It was a bit of a shock at first, but I've had twenty-four hours to digest it. Now know this is really happening, I thought I would freak out more than I already have."

"Well I am proud of you," Dahlia spoke up. I could hear hesitation in her voice. "How did your mother take it?"

"Like she always does." I sat down on a stool placing my hand under my chin. "She made it all about her and the senator. Can you believe that?"

I looked at both of them and they gave me a deadpan look. "Okay fine, I already knew she was going to make it about her, but I was hoping for a different outcome. Maybe because she was once in my position she would at least be nice for once.

"Jada this is your mother we're talking about. She doesn't have a nice bone in her body, and even if she did it has been frozen over by all that Botox." Dahlia snarked. "I mean come on this is the same woman who called me a whore when I first met her. I mean me a whore, can you believe that?"

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