Chapter 37.2

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Ryder's POV

Being raised in the mafia, I can count on one hand the number of times I had felt genuine fear.... But none of them seemed to compare to this moment right now

Watching the smile drop from my fiance's face as her eyes rolled back into her head my world stopped! My family seemed to pause for a moment before they lept into action as I stood frozen watching her hands, that was cradling our child, fall to the floor as her body went limp

I could faintly hear the voices around me, but they were muted as if everyone was underwater and not still standing in the church with me. Who the hell is screaming, my subconscious pondered as it was trying to make sense of the muddled situation but couldn't quite grasp what was going on.

"Ryder now is not the time for you to check out on me! If you don't grab my little peanut and calm her down I will shoot you in your knee." Dahlia growled as she worked with my mother to stop the bleeding. At the sound of her threat, some of the fog in my mind cleared enough for me to move and take care of our screaming child. I took to pacing as I bounced her, not wanting to go too far, which seemed to help a little.

"I don't understand..." my mother trailed off as they worked

"She's hemorrhaging." Dahlia's hands were covered in blood. She looked at me with concern in her eyes and I didn't want that. I wanted her to tell me that the love of my life was going to be okay. "Her muscles are not contracting shut which is causing her to bleed. It was too much on her body after having the baby. She needed a break before delivering the placenta."

"I didn't know. Thomas's birth was nothing like this." unshed tears filled her eyes as she worked

"It's okay mom, every birth is different. There's no way you could have known" Dahlia reassured as the church door slammed open. At once we all drew our guns and pointed at the approaching footsteps and they stopped immediately in their tracks. Donny and Blaise stood there with their hands up as they stared at the three guns pointed in their direction.

"Hey, guys, what's going on?" Blaise questioned.

"Ryder man, I know it's been an intense day but I would like to put down my arms to stop my ribs from throbbing?" Donny winced as he slowly lowered his arms. Once he was sure we weren't going to turn him into one of the many bodies on the floor he slid into one of the pews breathing deeply as the little Russian chick slid in next to him.

"Ryder," Dahlia was standing next to me, speaking in hushed tones as if she didn't want to disturb the baby in my arms. "We need those medics in here now! She's losing too much blood and there's only so much I can do in this church." Her eyes filled with concern as she looked over at Jada, who looked like she was sleeping on the floor.

"Right," I responded in a dry tone. Looking around at my family they looked like hell. Everyone was tired and covered in blood, whether it was their own or someone else's. I had to snap out of this fog, I couldn't risk everything we built because I can't get it together "Blaise, go find the medics and tell them to hurry the fuck up," the command fell out as I bottled up whatever emotions I felt at the moment. Dahlia was right for the next 20 minutes, I needed to play my role and get us the hell out of here.

Bundling my daughter up in my jacket I handed her over to my mother as the medics rushed in with the cleanup crew and awaited instructions

"What the hell happened, boss?"

"This was a level 10 ambush. The priority is my fiance. She is to be taken to the nearest hospital, get the best doctors, pull them from wherever, and then lock down the entire wing. No one in or out without prior authorization. All staff will be issued an NDA and if someone talks kill them and everyone they told. Also, have someone check on my brother, his ribs may be broken."

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