Chapter 37

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"Jada, baby. I need you to get up!"

I could hear someone calling my name, but I couldn't see them. Letting out a little groan, I tried to move but my limbs felt heavy. There was an incessant ringing in my ears and my back was hurting non stop. "Come on, baby, open your eyes."

Fluttering my eyelids open, I realized I was in a nightmare. I was still buckled into my seat, it took me some time to process what was going on, when I registered the truck we had been traveling in was now turned over on its side. Ryder was climbing through the windshield of the vehicle towards me. I could smell gasoline and smoke. Oh god I hope this isn't how I'm going to die. I tried moving to get out of the car when a new pain shot through my body causing me to yelp.

"Oh, thank god you're okay. We have to get you out of here." I could hear the sound of gunfire and I jumped a little bit, which caused small fragments of metal and glass to fall on me. "Well this is quite the situation, hmmm?" He tried to joke and I nodded my head in fear. "Well let's get you out of here." Ryder tried unclipping the belt from around me when it wouldn't budge. "Shit," he cursed under his breath.

"Ryder, we're running low on bullets, we need to get moving! The way the car is leaking it's not going to last long. Hurry the fuck up." Dahlia yelled. I couldn't see her, but I could definitely see the 6 inch platform heels she was wearing. No matter the occasion or the situation she was always in heels. Flats were forbidden in her book.

"Her damn belt is stuck, Give me a knife." he growled in frustration

Kneeling, she gave me a small grin as she crawled through the car and handed him a knife. Moving back out of the vehicle, Dahlia continued to shoot as Ryder carefully cut the belt from around me. Looking up I could see the blood bath that had started outside, the legs of the men who tried to kidnap me seemed to buckle as bullets flew.They scrambled around the truck trying to find a point of entry, but Dahlia as well as a few others kept them at bay.

Shots fired through the sunroof shattering the glass around us. Leaning into Ryder I covered my stomach praying that we were okay. Shielding me with his body Ryder continued working on the seatbelt. Glancing over his shoulder I understood why the glass shattered around us.

"Ryder, look out!" I screamed as a man crouched through the sunroof with a knife.

He didn't make it far though, his body hit the ground seconds later, a knife protruding from his back, as Blaise stood behind him. Nodding at one another, Blaise stood as a barrier as Ryder cut away the last of my restraint and pulled me to him.

"Alright baby, time to go" he said, kissing my forehead. Tapping Blaise on the back Ryder crawled through the sunroof and gestured for me to do the same.

I was in severe pain, it felt like I was being ripped from the inside out. This was completely different from the pain back at the school. There was no break in between like before, it was consistent.

"Ryder I can't fit through the sunroof, and somethings wrong it hurts to move." Trying to assess the situation, I knew he was trying to come up with a plan but before he could speak bullets flew causing him to duck behind the car.

"Merda (Shit)," he tried to keep his voice low so I didn't hear the distress, but nonetheless it put me at ease to know he was okay. "Tesoro, cover your ears!" was all the warning I got before gun fire sounded off. My ears were covered but I could see Ryder, and he aimed with precision. Where he had gotten a gun? I thought absently but my subconscious was right behind me. Who cares, our baby daddy is hot.

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