Chapter 36

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"Rolling over in the bed, I stretched to find it empty. A pout marred my face as I opened my eyes. Ryder still wasn't back yet. I hope everything is going okay? I missed him already and he promised to finish what he started this morning.

Sighing I got out of bed. My pregnancy pillow laid in Ryder's spot, and I shook my head at how childish he is. Who hides a pregnancy pillow because they're jealous of it? I mean come on, it's an inanimate object, it's not like it can feel me up or anything.

Walking to the bathroom I was about to go and freshen up, when I remembered Ryder's promise. I am going to cut that pillow into shreds. Heading back to the bed I slip on a robe and grab the pillow. Peeking outside of the room door, I made sure no one was coming.

Scurrying through the hallway, I made it to Dahlia's room and knocked on the door—rapidly. Opening it she looked like she had just woken up.

"Why are you banging on my door so early?" She whined out.

"Dahl, it's the middle of the afternoon. It is not early."

"Yes, it is to some people. Right now, in Asia it is the middle of the night."

"We're not in Asia right now. We're in America."

"Well, my body may be in America, but my mind is in Asia right now where people are sleeping." She argued, rubbing her eyes.

"You know what, I don't have time to argue with you. I need you to hang on to this." I say barging into her room. "Peni—Kieran." I gasp, covering my eyes so fast and turning around. "I am so sorry. I didn't know that you guys were in the middle of something."

Kieran was sprawled out in the middle of the bed completely nude. His hands and legs were tied to the bedposts.

"What are you talking about? We weren't doing anything." She gave me a bewildered look and then a look of understanding graces her features. "Oh that. We weren't in the middle of anything. I just tied him to the bed so he would stop trying to touch me while I was asleep. Guy is like the fucking energizer bunny. He could go all night."

"You love it darlin'." Kieran chimes in behind me. The sleep is clear in his voice.

"Okay, babe you can turn around now, his naughty bits are all covered up." Facing them now, Kieran had a blanket draped over his midsection. "What's up with the giant pillow?"

In the midst of seeing a fully nude Kieran, I had forgotten all about the reason that I came in here.

"Right, I need you to hide my pregnancy pillow from your brother."

"Why?" Confusion rang in her voice.

"Because he's jealous of the damn thing and it's really comfortable." I squeeze it to my chest with a pout.

"Who gets jealous of a pillow?" Dahlia scoffs.

"I say burn the damn thing," Kieran deadpans. We both look at him like he's crazy and he tries to shrug his shoulders, but it's difficult with him being tied up. "Nothing is pressing up against darlin's body but me. "

"You know what, maybe I should take this back to my room." I didn't trust that Kieran wouldn't rat me out.

"He's just joking. You can leave it with me." Standing up she takes the pillow out of my hands and walks it to her closet. "I told you this was going to be a good investment, but no. You said it was stupid."

"Whatever," I roll my eyes, not wanting to admit to being wrong.

Thanking her I walked back out of the room and headed to Ryder's. Feeling a cramping in my stomach, I rubbed it away soothingly. Fucking Braxton hicks. I need to distract myself from the pain.

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