Chapter 32

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Alice greeted us with a squeal and a hug. "Were you surprised? I mean I know Dahlia can't keep a secret when it comes to parties." She pulled back and stroked my arm.

"Yeah, I was really surprised. What is all of this for?" I've only seen some of these people a handful of times because of all of my Uncle's dealings in the Cartel.

"When two organizations unite, you hold a formal event so that their allies are aware of union. You know so there are no accidental wars" She looked at Ryder who got pulled into a conversation with a guy with too much chest hair. "Come on dear, let's mingle with your guests."

"But I don't even know who half these people are," I protested.

"That's the whole point in mingling dear."

She dragged me around introducing me to the people in the room. I met most of Ryder's uncles, who I'm pretty sure weren't even related to him by blood, but Alice seemed comfortable around them so I relaxed just a little bit. We were in the middle of talking to Ryder's Uncle Gianni when nature called. I excused myself from the group of people and made my way to the bathroom. Alice offered to come with me and I refused, because she hasn't seen some of these people in ages.

Walking into the bathroom, there were a group of women in the bathroom gossiping. There was a sense of Deja Vu as I walked into the stall, I guess even in this world gossip was a thing. I had tuned them out for the most part until I heard my name. It never fails that I'm the talk of the town.

" I heard that this was an arranged marriage. Poor girl has no idea."

"I heard that she got knocked up, before she knew who the father was and pinned it on him."

Flushing the toilet I walked out of the bathroom and over to the sink. Both of the girls stopped talking and were watching me in the mirror. Drying my hands I went back to the mirror and put on some lipstick.

"You know I heard that there were two bitches in the bathroom that were jealous she got the ring." I held up my hand, flashing my engagement ring.

Leaving the bathroom I could hear the collective gasps, and I had to hold in my laughter. God why are girls so catty. Can't they just say congratulations and leave it at that.

I was going back to find Alice when I ran into Dominic. "Hi," I greeted him.

"And so we meet again," He gives me a genuine smile. "Congratulations on the engagement. If I had known that you were engaged to the big man, I never would've... you know."

"It's okay, half the time I didn't know whether he and I were together. I can admit I played a part in it."

"Thank you." Glancing down he gives me a friendly smile and continues. "I can say that I am a very forgiving person. First you puke on me and then you flirt with me while in a relationship." Placing his hands against his chest, he feigns a gasp. "I am a really good guy, because not most men would offer you this."

"Offer me what," I raised a brow in sass

"How about we be friends," his palm is stretched out towards me. There wasn't hint of malice in his eyes or words.

I was hesitant at first, but Dominic is a nice guy. Even after I threw up my dinner in his lap, he chose to be concerned about me, instead of himself. Plus, it seemed like he was in Ryder's inner circle now if he knew his real identity. What harm could it bring to have another friend?

Taking my hand in his, I murmur, "deal."

My hand wasn't in his that long, before I felt his presence behind me. Heat radiated through my back and his shadow loomed over me as Ryder placed his hand on mine. Ever so quickly he has his hand in Dominic's and mine is laying limply at my side.

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