Chapter 33

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Lorenzo has done a lot to me and I'm not talking about his fake protégé," He points his glass at Ryder.

Standing up, Ryder signals his men to close in on Frank. "I'm talking about Lorenzo – what would you be now? The second or is it junior. You know what I will just call you Bombo, for the sake of confusing the others. Is that okay with you?" He said it like a statement, not giving Lorenzo a chance to deny him.

"Get him the fuck out of here now," Lorenzo shouted. This was a different side of him, the man that i had met always kept his composure and never raised his voice over a conversation tone

The moment Lorenzo showed his distress Ryder snapped into action, hitting him in the stomach, Frank keeled over. I could hear him wheezing from four tables over. Grabbing him by his wrinkled suit jacket he and Blaise pulled him away from the audience. Lorenzo stood up abruptly from his seat and followed behind them, but the only thing I could think was where were the men Ryder ordered to get him in the first place.

Glancing over at the family table, I noticed that they all held the same look.Overly calm and deadly. As the guest stared whispering amongst themselves my Aunt Sarah jumped into action as she gave my Uncle a look and announced the salsa dancers. The music began to play and they started clapping to the beat.

Some of the dancers made their way into the crowd, engaging them. The atmosphere was returning to normal, I smiled when one of the male dancers came over to dance with me, before I could get up someone pushed the dancer back and told him no. I huffed looking over my shoulder to see Damien hovering over me looking serious.

No one was fooled by the dancers, a few guests still looked concerned and they were glancing in the direction, Ryder took Frank. Alice was still sitting at the table with Dahlia not speaking. Donny moved  towards her, his face was hardened and he looked angry. I didn't even know  that was an emotion he could portray. The rest of the guests were in the swing of things, except Nico.

Nico and my Uncle stood at the edge of the crowd looking around as if they were waiting for something. Once they felt like they gave it enough time they walked out the same door Ryder dragged Frank out of. Well here goes nothing

Standing up, I moved in that direction until Damien grabbed my arm, "where are you going?"

"Just going to stretch my legs," I peered over my shoulder aas Kerian walked out the same door.

"No can do, sweetheart. You have to stay put." He was unrelenting.

"Come on Damien I have to get the blood flowing in my legs. I mean I have blood flowing for two now,"batting my eyelashes I give him a pout. "Please, for the baby?"

"Fine but you only have two minutes."

Walking through the crowd I briefly pretended to mingle until I was out of sight of my bodyguard and slipped out the door and into the hallway. Hearing voices around the corner I peeked to see Nico slide something into Kieran's hand, nodding as they went their separate ways.

Curiosity was getting the best of me, on one hand, I really wanted to see what he gave him. On the other hand, I wanted to ask Nicolás what they were talking about. I didn't know who to follow. I decided to go with the latter. One because I could probably get more out of Nico than Kieran and two Kieran terrified me.

Following behind my cousin, He was acting strange, taking a leisurely stroll through this plant infested place.What was he up to?  Kieran and Nico have never interacted with each other before, so why now. Did they know each other? Do they have a business deal in the works? I had no clue as to how he knew Kieran, but I was going to find out. He finally came to a stop outside a door where my Uncle was waiting, as Nico approached him they walked in together.

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