Chapter 22

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"Hey you two love birds wake up. We're about to land," Donny pounded on the door.

Opening my eyes I woke up to find myself wrapped in Ryder's arms. We're face to face and he was staring at me. His hair was tousled and his eyes looked tired. Ryder never looked better. I wanted to run my fingers through his hair.

"Morning," his voice was rough with sleep.

"Morning," I gave him a shy smirk, covering my mouth slightly.

Luke never liked when I talked to him first thing in the morning. Said my morning breath wasn't the first thing he wanted to smell when he first woke up. From that point on I would either try to wake up before him and brush my teeth or I would make sure we were never face-to-face when sleeping.

"What are you doing," Ryder questioned, trying to pull my hands down from my face. "Please don't tell me you're getting shy on me now. What happened to that girl who was yelling at me last night for being a complete dick?"

Gasping, I removed my hands from over my mouth and quickly put them back. "I never called you a dick."

"In more or less words you did." He gave me his megawatt smile, smoothing his hands down my back. "Now come on, let me see that beautiful smile of yours."

"I can't, I have morning breath and my toothbrush is in my bag."

Giving me a bewildered look, Ryder pulled my hands away from my face. "I've eaten your pussy before Jada, and you've sucked my co—" slamming my hand over his mouth. I would've been mortified had he finished that sentence. "I think morning breath is the least of our concerns, don't you think," he muttered into my hand.

Feeling the wet stroke of his tongue, I pulled my hand back quickly. Giving me his boyish grin Ryder let out a carefree laugh. Leaning in close he kissed me sweetly. Gripping the back of my head he deepened the kiss thrusting his tongue in my mouth.

After a few minutes he pulled back, his eyes twinkled with amusement. "Mm. You taste delicious."

Laughing I pushed him away and he pulled me close again. See this is the Ryder that I like. Hopefully this thing lasts.

"Guys last warning, the plane is about to land. Strap in." Donny knocked on the door again.

"Let's go before Dahlia comes in here and complain that we're endangering this little one." Ryder spoke quietly, placing his hand on my stomach.

Exiting the cabin everyone seemed to be strapped in, except for Dahlia who was in the middle of standing up. The minute she heard the door close she sat back down giving Ryder and I a look. Taking the seat next to her, she took the seat belt from me, strapping me in herself.

"You do know that I can strap myself in, right?" I looked over at Ryder who was fighting a laugh.

"I know, but I just want to make sure that the belt is secure. Sometimes these things are fickle. Just want to make sure the peanut is safe there." She started talking to my belly and kissing it repeatedly.

"Would you stop that," I snapped, pushing her head.

I can buckle my own seat belt, I think angrily.  I am starting to feel like a crate carrying precious cargo. It's so annoying how they treat me like an object. Geeze I am still a person, and yes, the baby in my stomach needs protecting, but for the love of God let me live my life.

As the plane started its descent, I could feel eyes burning a hole in the side of my head. Glancing over Nevaeh was giving me a look that I feel could end all civilization.

"Ryder, baby, you do realize that you missed a very important call with Mr. Tamaki about the night club deal. I tried to come and get you, but everyone told me you were very preoccupied." She spoke vehemently.

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