Chapter 18

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"Are you sure that this is going to work?" Dahlia asked nervously from the front seat. "Ryder didn't seem too keen on the idea."

"Ryder is never too keen about anything," I scoffed as I tried carefully to remove the cardigan from Kimmie's arms as she slept.

"No one can know about Kimmie's little mishap, Jada. Especially my father." Dahlia was nervous, which is a first. I've never seen her nervous. The girl was always confident about everything, why is she so rattled now?

"Why can't your father find out? He will understand. I'm pretty sure that if something happened to your mother, he would react the same way. Why is it different for Kimmie?"

I didn't miss the way Dahlia and Ricky glanced at each other for a brief moment like they were hiding a secret. It was like they were communicating silently with one another and then I saw Dahlia punch Ricky in the arm.

"Am I missing something or am I interrupting a private conversation?"

"Tell her," Ricky tried to talk between his lips discreetly, but I obviously heard him.

"Fine," Dahlia fumed. "Kimmie has a few medical issues and Blaise is the only one who helps her. My dad feels like she shouldn't be in the field, if she can't do it by herself, and this meltdown will just prove his point."

"What is the issue, maybe I can help." The nursing side of me felt bad for Kimmie. I wanted to help her, but my subconscious was yelling at me to mind my own business.

"I don't think you can help her with this Jay," Dahlia stated sadly. "Your field is more physical, meaning you have to see the problem to fix it, Kimmie's problem is mostly mental."

Catching on to what Dahlia was saying I bit my lip as I glanced at Kimmie. First meeting Kimmie I would've never known that she was sick. She seemed okay, until after Blaise was shot and then it was like a switch flipped in her. I can't even describe it, but I don't think that Lorenzo should define Kimmie by her mental health. After what I saw her do today at that market, she definitely deserves to be out there with the best of them.

"That's not right for him to judge her like that. What she has shouldn't define her. Your father should want to help her, not hinder her."

"Well my father is old school. Everything he does is strategic. Even if it does hurt the ones he loves." Dahlia spoke cryptically as she looked out the window, not saying anymore.

I knew the conversation was over with. Dahlia was like one of those russian dolls. With each layer you peel back there was always another perfect mask waiting there.

Pulling up to a gate, Ricky nodded his head at four men who were standing there with an arsenal. You would think that we were on an army base with how many weapons they were carrying around. Two of the guys walked over to the gate taking a chain off of it and pushing it open. Well that's new, the gate was automatic when I was last here.

Driving up the long driveway I noticed the estate was very dark, save for a few lights on in the big house. How anyone could see out here was beyond me. Glancing out the window I saw something moving behind one of  the trees. I almost belted out a scream when I had to remember Kimmie sleeping.

Examining it closely I realized there were men everywhere. Some were carrying guns, others were blending in with the trees. You would think that this was a warzone.

"Is all of this really necessary," I ask, gesturing outside of the window.

"Yes for our safety. Ryder was attacked in broad daylight, and Blaise was shot. He could be dead right now, all because of a business deal. Besides after this little speech that you're going to be giving tomorrow this is definitely necessary." Dahlia stated matter-of-factly.

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