Chapter 35

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"You're like the best boss...ever." Dominic slurred leaning against me. "No, I mean it. The things that you do for us are out of this world, and I'm going to let you in on a little secret." Turning his head dramatically, I guess he was trying to be subtle, he leaned in closer to me. "I think your girl is fucking hot. I mean she's banging, and she's sweet, funny, and so kind, but that mouth can do some unspeakable things to me."

Clenching my fist together I had to refrain from hitting him in his stupid mouth. All because of Jada's bright idea, I had to hear what my men think of me and my family. Most of them would like to tap Dahlia's ass, fight Blaise, but the hottest topic has been how everyone has the hots for my fiance. As soon as this is over everyone dies, innocent of betrayal or not.

Dominic was close to being lipless when he said something that was vital. "Yeah, so I heard from David that you were going on a trip soon, and while I think that that's all fine and dandy but you should really take Jada with you, he plans to shoot his shot while you're gone. Where is he going and why would you leave this late in her pregnancy, that doesn't make sense??" He leaned closer to me. "He was almost bragging about it as if it was a sure thing. So, wherever you're going buddy I think you should take Jada with you. "Patting me on the back, he began to hum a tune and took off.

Pulling out my phone, I texted Damien and Blaise another name to add to the list. That's 52 graves I will be digging by the end of this night. I have to hand it to Jada. Her idea was brilliant. Less bloodshed and time-consuming interrogation. A lot of truths have been spilled and they can't go back on them. One of my men I learned was going to plant a bomb under my car tomorrow. Now he's in a room somewhere with Ricky with missing fingers and toes.

Shaking my head, I continued to make my rounds, when I spotted Kimmie and Dahlia in the crowd. They were going up the stairs and were laughing to themselves. Where the fuck is Jada?

Following behind them, I took the stairs two at a time and grabbed Dahlia's arm. Turning around, her fist was clenched, and she had a deadly look on her face,but also a hint of fear, something I've never seen from her before.

"What the hell is wrong with you? You don't grab a woman like that," she snaps.

"Where is my fiancé?" After hearing what half of these bastards think of her, I was not about to tempt the fates. She was not to be alone until this place was cleansed of the scum that threaten to taint my legacy

Continuing up the stairs Dahlia rolled her eyes. "Chill dude. She took the back stairs up to your room. She's exhausted."

"What happened? What did you two do?" I narrowed my eyes at her

"What didn't we do," Kimmie laughed out. "Remember when that guy's head popped off, like this." She motions with her hands an explosion.

As they laugh about whatever, I take the time to really look at them. With a wild look in their eyes you could clearly see they were still running off an adrenaline high, further assessing them I noticed the random bits of blood they were covered in, Black clothes usually hide it well but some had made it into Kimmie's hair and the smatter of blood freckles on Dahlia's face wouldn't have been noticeable from a distance

"By the way, thanks for telling us that you replaced my windshield with bulletproof glass." Dahlia punches me in the arm.

"I didn't think there was ever a need to tell you. What happened tonight, why are you guys covered in blood," I was frustrated, it seems like lately I've been more than slipping, there wasn't a move I didn't know about a year ago now looking over my men and sisters, the cracks have conjoined together to create an abyss threatening to swallow me and everything that I worked for whole

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