Chapter 5

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Milagro, I want you to remember one thing. If you ever come to a point where you're in danger just run, as fast as you can, don't stop just run. Aunt Sarah's' voice rang in my head as I stared into the eyes of the dead man laying on the floor

"Jada." Ryder's voice broke my trans like state, it was bone chilling cold and calculated. Taking hesitant steps backwards, I did what any sane woman would do, looked the devil straight in the eyes before I ran out the back exit.

The door opened and the sounds of feet hitting the pavement thundered behind me as Ryder bellowed out orders in a foreign language.

"Go around the other way, see if you can cut her off." he directed someone. "Jada," he growled as he ran, "It would be in your best interest to stop."

Cringing as a shot landed just above my head, sending bits of brick and mortar flying in the air and coated me in a layer of dust. Turning another corner I wedge myself through the cracked door of the abandoned convenience store. I had a choice to make, protect my bean or die and I didn't come this far to die.

"Hey, what the hell was that?" Ricky's voice rang out through the old store.

"What?" Ryder sighed with agitation.

"I'm not about to play this game with you, so let me make this clear. If you kill her you'll be right behind her, capeesh?" Ricky threaten.

"No one talks to me like that. What is she sucking you off dur-" I tripped over what felt like a rack, and suddenly their voices became hushed. Stumbling in the dark I found the counter and hid behind it.

Alright Jada you've been trained for this you know what to do. Feeling around blindly I found a glass bottle. Setting it down in front of me I ripped off a piece of my pants. Peeking around the corner, I saw in the moonlight, the two of them were searching around. Taking the ripped pant leg I wrapped it around the bottle. I waited patiently, men never moved quietly, especially in the dark. As one of the big oafs tripped, effectively knocking over a shelf I slammed the bottle I the ground

"Would you watch where you're fucking going? She's going to know where we are," Ryder snapped.

"Well I can't see shit in here."Rick growled out and I could hear something fly across the empty room. "This is all your fucking fault I told you to wait until after she delivered the liquor, not before"

"Don't blame me the usual girl always takes longer to bring the drinks. How was I supposed to know she was going to move so fast."

"Because she's good at her job," Ricky stated matter of factly. "The only reason Tasha was your server was because you fucked her, and I told you multiple times not to fuck the girls."

Too late for that my subconscious uttered. I tuned out there argument and quietly started grabbing shards of glass from the pant leg. This was my only means of a weapon so I had to be very careful that I selected the right one. As I was grabbing another shard I cut my hand and let out a tiny whimper. Throwing my hand over my mouth at the sound of their voices growing closer.

"Jada, I'm not going to ask you nicely again to come out." I bit my lip as he stopped a few feet in front of the counter where I was hidden. "Jada, dammit."

My heart was beating wildly against my chest as his foot falls drifted further and further away. I listened to the sound of the door opening. I strained against the silence for any sound of him and his men but heard nothing. I sat still, waiting for a sign that it was safe to come out of hiding and run. I needed to get to the police station.

I let out a small breath of relief. Leaning my head against the base of the counter I dropped some of the glass shards. I had to get out of here. Screw coming into work tomorrow. Ricky could consider this as my two week notice. Rising slowly I gripped one of the shards as I looked around, the exit wasn't that far, as I rounded the counter a hand twisted in my hair and pulled.

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