Chapter 39

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Black... That's all there was in my surrounding

No flickers of light, no crashing sounds, just... nothing. Was this how it would end for me? Just floating in the abyss of nothing. Never getting to meet my daughter, leaving Ryder and my family all alone. And while these thoughts invaded my mind, I couldn't bring myself to panic, it was like this abyss had become a serene place of comfort.

Well this is quite the mess you've gotten yourself into? A voice startled me causing me to open my eyes, I hadn't even realized they had closed. When you're surrounded by complete darkness though it would make sense that I didn't notice.

So is this the place you wish to reside, Were just going to give up and leave them? She spoke smugly as Ryder appear holding a wrapped bundle that I'm assuming was our baby girl

Who are you? I asked, truly puzzled. Why did she look so different?

Silly Jada, you don't recognize yourself, she chuckled as appearing right next to me. She looked like me but different. Standing next to me in a red lace dress that hugged her frame and stopped mid thigh, spiked strappy heels adorned her feet.. Her hair cascaded down her back in soft glossy waves but it was her eyes that captivated me, she had a look of mischief and confidence that I longed to have. Look at them, are we really gonna leave this behind for the comfort of dark nothingness? Seems like a waste to me. She asked as we looked on at my family, Ryder pacing back and forth as he smiled down at the waving arms in the blanket

What happens next? How do I get to you? I couldn't keep being the same girl, not if I was going to have a future with Ryder.

"Oh, we're about to go on a journey, just a little advice. Don't give up, trust that everything that is about to happen will lead you right to where you need to be? Now get up, we have a little girl waiting to meet her mommy. She smiled as she began to walk toward a small beam of light.

Wait, how do I get back? I asked as I looked around. The light seemed to hug her as she turned to me and smiled

"Just open your eyes love, we have work to do!" She winked as she faded away

I blinked and a blinding light struck me. Trying to cover my eyes, a hand stopped me.

"That might not be a good idea." A woman in scrubs spoke, adjusting my IV and handing me a glass of water. Urging me to drink. "It's nice to finally have you with us Miss Morales."

"Where am I? Where is my baby?" My hands immediately dropped to my stomach as the feeling of loss consumed me. What happened to my little girl, was it all just a dream?

"St. Michaels Prespiterian Hospital, and you've been out for almost three weeks now. How are you feeling? Any prominent aches or pains?" She asked as she began checking the machines I was hooked into. Shaking my head, she took that as a sign to continue "Well today looks very promising for you fiance, you woke up and your little girl will be getting out of NICU as well."

Just as she finished speaking another woman knocked on the door and entered, rolling the hospital bassinet in the room. She was so tiny, I thought as she lay there swaddled in a blanket, blinking her little eyes as her eyebrows scrunched into a frown. She looked like she was very displeased with the service of the hospital and its employees.

"Can I hold her?" My voice broke, I had missed three weeks?

"Of course! It's about feeding time for her and we were going to wait for dad but I think this will be a very special moment for the two of you." The nurse picked her up gently, her tiny hands wiggling free from the swaddle. "He's been very insistent that he and the family be the ones to do everything so I don't think he'll be too mad that he doesn't get to feed her first."

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