Chapter 26

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"What do you mean someone is following us?" Ryder snaps looking back at the empty road.

"Since we left the Governor's house, sir." Marco states looking in the side mirror. "The car was parked there for an hour after you got there and then they departed sixteen seconds after we left the residence."

Suddenly seeing bright lights behind us and then nothing, Ryder looked out the back window. Turning with him, you could faintly see the outline of a dark vehicle.

"Fuck," Ryder swears under his breath. "Why the hell are you driving in slow motion, get us to the fucking estate." He barks out.

Reaching under his seat he pulls out a gun, pulling the slide back he loaded the chamber. Leaning over to my seat he pulled on my seat belt to make sure it was secure.

Peeking back at Dahlia he nodded his head slightly and she had a full blown smile on her face.

"Hell yeah," she exclaims, reaching all the way under the seat and pulling out a set of knives.

"Dahlia I have no time for your fun. Get serious," he snaps pulling out a vest from the underneath the floor.

Scoffing she reaches back under the seat for a gun as well. Mumbling about how she never gets to have fun she loads it up.

"Ricky," Ryder says, handing him the vest.

"I already know man. With my life." Grabbing it from him, he slips it over my head from the back seat. "Stick close to me." He says fastening the straps.

The vest was a little loose, but I felt secure. This was starting to become too frequent with people wanting to attack Ryder. No wonder he wanted me to have a guard. It seemed like I was losing my skills since I got pregnant because there was no way I saw that car, and I'm typically aware of these things.

Hearing the tires screech my heart began to beat fast as we pulled in front of a gate.

"Give me a gun," I blurt out, holding out my hand.

"What? No I am not going to give you a gun," Ryder snaps.

"I need to be able to protect myself. I know how to use a gun a lot better than you might I add."

"Jada, we are not having this discussion."

Climbing out of the SUV, Dante, Marco, Ryder, and Dahlia had there guns drawn, as the car pulled up behind us. Peeking out the window I spotted the license plate and jump out of the vehicle.

"Wait," I lunge for the door, exiting the vehicle, dodging Ricky in the process .

"Jada, get the hell out of the way." Ryder growls out as the doors open.

Seeing the back door open, I feel a sense of relief washed over me as I ran toward them. There stood my Aunt and Uncle, my parents, with the biggest smiles on their face. My eyes immediately began to water as I ran into the arms of the people who raised me for half my life 

"Mama." I pull her into a hug and start to cry.

"Hi, my beautiful girl. I've missed you so much." She hugged me tightly. Pulling back she looked at my round stomach. "And look at this Carlo, our miracle is having a little miracle of her own. I'm just so sad we missed so much"

Laughing as I wiped away the tears. "You didn't miss much, I mean there is still so much more of this left. What are you guys doing here?"

"I could ask the same question," Ryder walks up behind me

"I don't think you should be asking questions, Bandini." Nico's gruff voice travels through the night as he approaches us.

"And why not, you're on my property invading my organization. You don't get to call the shots when it involves me Gomez."

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