Chapter 14

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"So, what are we going to see first, the Colosseum, the Parthenon, ooh how about the Ruins?" I suggested as we walked side by side.

"Ah, no Tesoro. That is in Rome, we are in Sicily, the largest island in the Mediterranean," Ryder chuckled.

Geography was never my strong suit. After he paid for the food and judging by the waitress's scream, Ryder had also left a generous tip. She tried giving it back to him, but he had refused, and we left. It felt like we had been walking forever, but I could still see the restaurant in my sight.

I was so excited to be out, that I forgot how exhausted I get so quickly. Maybe walking isn't such a good idea, I thought until I saw some guy performing on the street. He was dressed in a funny costume and painted silver. Glancing over at Ryder I smiled pulling him with me as I made my way over to the statuesque man.

He was standing perfectly still, and I looked to Ryder for answers. Reaching in his back pocket he pulled out his wallet and handed me a note. Motioning for me to toss it in the case, in front of the man, as soon as the money dropped he came to life. Music started playing as he moved in a robotic motion and I couldn't help but smile.

As the music started to slow the man took my hand in his and placed a kiss on it. The music ended but my hand was still in his, as his lips hovered above them. Grabbing my other hand Ryder tried to walk away when I didn't budge.

"I think I'm kind of stuck." I giggled as Ryder glared at the robotic man. "I think he needs more money for me to be free."

Arching a brow, Ryder let out a sigh as he reached in his wallet again and pulled out more money. Tossing it in the case the music started again, and the man placed a kiss on my hand releasing it. As soon as my hand was free Ryder pulled me into his side and wrapped an arm around me in a protective manner.

Ryder started walking away as the Silver man continued his routine. Giggling at how annoyed he was I glanced over my shoulder and the robot man waved goodbye and I did the same. Pulling my hand down Ryder scowled at the man.

"He was saying goodbye. It's rude not to reply."

"He's a scam artist, Tesoro. Really, he could've done anything to get more money, but holding your hand hostage. What would he have done if I didn't have any more money?"

"Well then we would have officially been a couple then, until someone would've put money in." I glanced up at Ryder to see his brows furrowed in anger. "I think I look good in silver," I laughed as Ryder's scowl deepened. Eventually he started laughing with me.

We continued walking the streets, looking at all of the different shops. Every now and then Ryder would stop and tell me different stories about the stores. At one point we walked past a gelato shop and my mouth began to water. Knowing where my hungry belly was leading me Ryder had pulled me into the shop and got me three flavors, because I couldn't decide.

"How do you know so much about this place? I thought you grew up in New York." I asked as I licked the gelato off my spoon.

"And how do you know where I grew up, Jada?" The way he said my name made my stomach flip in knots. It was like the man was trying to seduce me on the street.

How was I going to explain to him that I spent an entire night talking with Dahlia about her brother? I wanted to get to know the father of my baby and make sure that he didn't have any weird genetic things going on. Sure, you keep telling yourself that, my subconscious chimed in.

"Well it's pretty obvious with your American accent, and I thought I heard a hint of a New York accent from your mother. Sounds like Queens, if I'm not mistaken." I put on my best Sherlock Holmes face as I lied through my teeth – thinking about the things that Dahlia told me the other night.

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