Chapter 24

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Waking up the light streamed in, and the sun was beginning to set. I stared at the beautiful orange and pink dusk as I watched the sun set over the horizon. Feeling Ryder's even breaths against the nape of my neck, I knew he was still sleeping.

I went to get up when I felt his arm tighten around my waist. Turning over so I was on my back, I looked at him when his eyes fluttered open.

"What time is it?" He removed his arm from around me as he stretched.

"6:30pm." I huffed out.

"Are you still mad?" He kissed my cheek as his hand traveled down my body.

"Of course, I told you that I will still be mad after we finished," I moaned as his fingers trailed lower, and slid in between my still wet folds.

"Well, that's a shame because I thought we could have a little more fun before we had to get ready but seeing as you're still mad." His hand paused its administration and he pulled them from under the blanket and licked them clean.

Getting out of bed his glorious naked body was on display as he stretched. His tattoos were more prominent in the dusky glow of the sun. I could make out the beautiful pictures that the story of his life, even the name Thomas with the wings surrounding it. Turning around he gave me a sultry grin.

"Checking me out, babe?"

"No," I lied quickly. "I'm too pissed off to look at you. Maybe I would be in a better mood if I were in my own bed at my place." Flippin the covers off of me I rolled out of the bed and stood across from him just as naked as the day I was born.

Ryder's eyes raked over my body, and he bit the corner of his bottom lip. Eyes darkening, he made his way over to me and I crawled across the bed.

"No, no you are not going to distract me again. My needs have been sated and I am clear headed." I crawled to the other side of the bed and stood in the same spot he had vacated moments ago. "You are wrong for moving me in here without my permission."

"Are we on this again," Ryder grunted out. "Why can't you be like most women and be grateful, hmm. Let's stop this madness and just get back to what we were doing."

"I should be grateful, you're right. "Arching a defiant brow, I put my voice in falsetto. "Oh, Ryder, thank you so much for kidnapping me, taking me halfway across the globe, also thank you so much for bringing me back home and then secretly moving me into your apartment. Probably one of your goons did it because you were with me the whole entire time. So, thank you so much for violating my privacy." My voice lost the falsetto in the end when I picked up his clock and threw it at him.

Dodging the clock Ryder's lip twitched as he tried to fight his smile. "You're a little feisty. It's kind of cute."

"I'm not trying to be cute," I huffed out.

I went to throw another object to get my point across when the door opened. "Hey guys I know your napping but—OH MY GOD MY EYES, MY EYES!" Dahlia screamed as she backed out of the room; hands over her eyes. "Why are you guys just standing there naked. Is this some kind of weird foreplay thing?"

"Dahlia what do you want?" Ryder sighed out.

Grabbing his pants off the floor he slid them on. Pulling the blanket off the bed he walked over to me and covered me up. I was grateful for him in that moment because I was in total shock that my best friend saw me naked with her brother.

"I was coming here to let you guys know that it was time to get ready. Ricky, Damien, and Donny were already heading to the restaurant. Kimmie took Blaise home and said she would meet us there. Excuse me for trying to help you guys out." Her hand was still covering her eyes as she talked to the wall and not us.

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