Chapter 41

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The ride back to the estate was silent. I was still trying to process the fact that I had killed someone, but it didn't really seem to sink in at the moment. I just felt numb as I looked out the window staring at nothing. The vibration of my phone startled me out of my daze, it was a text from Alice, River was laying in the middle of a king size bed, looking up at the phone with her infamous frown gracing her face .

Smiling, I lean over to show Ryder the picture, but his eyes are trained on the rearview mirror, as he makes a hard right turn down an unfamiliar road.

"What's going on?" I asked nervously, as he accelerated

"That car has been following us since we left the party." He explained as he made another blind turn "Thought it was a coincidence, but he's been keeping his distance and never once turned on his lights. Amature."

Glancing over my shoulder I noticed the car was gaining speed. Ramming into the back of us the car jolted forward, and I had to grab hold of the dashboard to keep from hitting my head.

"Merda," Ryder grumbles and pulls his gun out. "How good is your aim?"

"I haven't shot a gun in a while, but I think I can do it." A while? I was taught the basics of a gun when I was thirteen, by my dad's right-hand and that was all close range.The only other time I shot at a far distance is when I went hunting with Luke and his parents, so I'm a little rusty. Giving me a skeptical look, Ryder shook his head. "Just give me the gun Ryder. What are you going to do, shoot and drive?"

I gestured at our surroundings, we were on a dark road surrounded by trees and every now and then a random turn would come up. Ryder is great at juggling things, but not that great.

The car rams into the back of us and I hold out my hand. "We don't have time for this dammit, just give me the gun" I snapped, his hesitation was costing us time.

Handing me the gun I let down the window, leaning out I fired two shots at it. One hit the windshield, causing them to swerve a little but not to slow them down. Firing back at us, Ryder jerked the car as he grabbed my thigh and pulled me back in

"Why did you do that?" I huffed as I tried to go back out, but he tightened his grip, keeping me in my seat.

"I just got you back, so if you think I'm going to risk losing you again, you're wrong" He swerved at the car trying to avoid another collision. "You have shitty aim so we're going to switch. Take the wheel and I will shoot." Taking the gun from me he motioned for me to take the wheel.

"I told you I was a little rusty." I say as he grabs my hips and slides me across his lap while keeping his foot on the gas.

"Rusty my ass," Ryder scoffs.

The gage was slowly creeping over 100 mph. Action this shit this look easy, but it is very hard keeping a wheel steady while trading places. Just as my foot replaced his we hit a bump and I felt something hard press into my ass

"Seriously, are you hard right now?" Giving him a bewildered look as he slides from under me and into the passenger seat with a smirk. Slamming my foot down on the gas I shake my head, we're trying not to die and he's as hard as rock.

"What do you expect, Tesoro." He smirks as he opens the glove compartment and pulls out another gun. "Anytime that sweet ass is pressed against me, I want nothing more than to bend you over and sink into that sweet little p-."

"Okay" I shouted, cutting off his vulgar mouth. "How about you focus on the matter at hand and not what's between my thighs?"

"Do you think you can handle this, while I take care of this?" He asked while checking the magazine in his gun

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