Chapter 46

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Ryder's POV

Pulling up to the estate I could see Dominic standing next to his Maybach GLS 600, on the phone. Blaise lit up a blunt, he only did this when he was stressed out, not making a move to exit the vehicle. Maybe it was the fact that we were about to go to war or maybe it was being separated from Kimmie. Blaise had been with me through the worst of the worst and this had become our ritual, but tonight felt different

"Do you remember when we were in Brazil and we had to go rescue Kimmie from the lunatic who worked for her previous ''Boss'?" He asked, passing me the blunt as he stared into the darkness surrounding us.

"Yeah, that was three days of a sleepless massacre," I chuckled before taking a long pull and passing it back to him.

"I had never been more scared in my life than that night Ryder. It wasn't the fact that we were walking into uncertain death, we've been trained for that, what they don't train you for is that fact that the love of your life could be with you one moment and gone the next." He says as he takes another drag, while looking at the stars. "That was the moment that I knew that I loved her but seeing the person she became if something happened to me..." he closed his eyes and shook his head as his words trailed off. " I wanted to protect her. I thought that if I didnt engage her on more than a friendship level then her feelings would fade, but after te market I can see that I was stupid to prolong the ineveitable and I lost a lot of valuable time in the process."

I didn't respond, neither one of us spoke for a moment. He was right, no matter how he tried to protect Kimmie it would have always led to this.

"Ryder, we always promise that we'll see each other on the other side but there's a new promise I need you to keep." He looks me in my eyes with a sad smile.

"Blaise, we're not going to die," I state through gritted teeth. The thought of losing the man that I think of as a brother... That wasn't an option.

"Ryder, if something happ... if things go wrong, promise me you won't let her slip away." He finally looked over at me and I could see the sadness behind his eyes. "She can't go back to that place, she would find solace in divine oblivion and you would really have a monster on your hands."

We had all seen Kimmie in her state of frenzy when she had lost a loved one, pulling her back from that place had only been possible because of Blaise. If I lost my brother tonight I would also be losing my sister and I couldn't bear the thought of that.

"Promise me." it wasn't a request.

"I promise" I responded, giving him some comfort, but it was a different promise. I was too close to losing everything, so my promise was that everyone would come home, no lives lost tonight, not if I could help it. "Alright enough of this sappy shit, let's get this over with so we can get our women and go home." Exiting the car, Dominic had just ended his call as we approached him.

"Alright boss man. From what I've been told, Donny moved everyone into one of the safe rooms in the house" He said, meeting us by the trunk of the car. "We have a short window of time to get everyone, so we need to get going" In a short amount of time Dominic had proved himself to be very loyal and one of my best assets, if it weren't for the fact that he had a crush on my fiance I might even like him.

"So what do we have?" I asked, tossing the roach.

"Shit," he chuckles, opening the boot. "What don't we have?" It appeared to be empty, but I knew better than to fall for that.

Sliding his hand along the seam of the trunk he pulls up the lining. Tossing it outside of the vehicle, he displays a row of guns neatly placed in polymer holders.

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