Chapter 21

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Walking out onto the tarmac the wind blew hard as we approached the plane. The car ride was awkward. Ryder was on the phone the entire time yelling at someone. Sounds like he's working on a big case. After he hangs up on someone, he immediately makes another phone call, repeating this action until we reached the plane.

Getting out of the car, I felt elated to go home. Finally, I can get back to a society who'll understand me when I say that I need help. My excitement immediately went away when I spotted Nevaeh standing in the door of the plane.

"Why is she here?" The last thing I wanted is to be trapped on the plane with Ryder and his whore. With just my luck they'll be sucking face the entire time.

"She works at the law firm; I need her to help me with the work I have to finish up before we land in New York." Placing his hand on my lower back he guided me up the steps and into the cabin.

Giving me a glare, Nevaeh moved to the side and I noticed two glasses of champagne in her hand, she smiled holding one of the glasses out to him as we stepped on the plane. Her smile fell as Ryder shook his head no, moving past her muttering something about him keeping a clear head while he looked over his files.

I was about to follow behind Ryder, when Ricky walked on the plane taking one of the glasses from Nevaeh.

"Oh look, babe, the bitch finally learned the most important part of her job, hospitality." Ricky spoke to Damien who was coming up the plane stairs. Grabbing the other drink out of Nevaeh's hand Damien grunted in satisfaction. "This could've been chilled some more," Ricky griped walking past me.

"They weren't for you, assholes." She snapped brushing past all of us angry and heading in the same direction as Ryder.

"That girl seriously needs an attitude adjustment. I mean, why is she so mad?" Ricky was genuinely shocked.

"What are you guys doing here," I asked, ignoring his very rhetorical question.

"What do you mean, what are we doing here? Ryder never travels to New York without us." He states nonchalantly, looping his arm through mine and leading me through the plane.

Kimmie and Blaise were sitting on one of the long couches, his long legs stretched out as far as they could go. He looked terrible, his face was pale and the pain on his face made me think he was in agony. Kimmie was wrapped around him like a vine, stroking his beard every five seconds while kissing him.

I wonder what happened there. Last time I checked Blaise made it very clear to Kimmie that they were just friends.

Moving past them I spotted Dahlia and Donny sitting next to each other. Dahlia was looking at her phone and Donny was sitting next to her talking his straw and messing with her ear. Seeing me Donny perked up and jumped out of his seat.

"There's the beautiful senorita." Grabbing my hand, he planted a kiss on it. "Why don't you have a seat next to me and we can have some real fun once this plane takes off."

I could feel the blush rise in my cheeks. "I think that would be a bad idea," I laughed.

"Yes, that would be," Ryder said, lifting Donny up by his collar.

Moving him over to the couch, Ryder pushed him into his seat. Dahlia snickered at the shocked look on Donny's face.

"Dude you can't man handle all of this deliciousness, and besides this is Tom Ford. You do not wrinkle Tom Ford." Placing his finger in Ryder's face he wiggled it back and forth in a no gesture.

Gripping the finger Ryder bent it back, and Donny let out a high pitch yelp. "Jada, why don't you head back there and take your seat. We're about to take off soon." Ryder gestured to the back of the plane where he'd come from. His tone was very nonchalant, like he wasn't about to break his brother's finger.

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