Chapter 7

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Okay lets try rational before we go into survival mode. Walking over to the big wooden doors, i gave the handle a slight twist and smiled when it gave to the pressure. Smiling I gave it a full twist and opened the door.

My relief was short lived as I peeked around the corner, there were two guys standing there. One of them turned around at the sound of the door creaking. Gulping, I did a small wave and backed into the room, closing the door slowly.

Alright, so back to plan A. Walking over to the bed I ripped the sheet off and tied them together. I remember doing this in high school when Luke wanted me to sneak out after curfew, but I wasn't pregnant back then, and the jump wasn't over ten feet. Lowering the sheet down measured to see if it was the right length.

Damn it too short. Going back into the room, I searched for something else, but nothing could support my weight. Show me your advantages, milagro.

Walking back out onto the balcony I looked around to assessing the situation. The bedsheet will be long enough for me to get down onto a lower patio and I can scale the vines on the side of the building, I only had a slight bump so it shouldn't be too hard.

It the middle of me processing this, the bedroom door opened, Ryder sauntered in "You should be resting."

"I think I've rested enough thanks to the sedative you gave me, thanks." He was such an asshole. He walked behind me, his chest pressed against my back sent a thrill through me. "Look I dont know what your aim is but I'm not staying here!"

"Tesoro, questo non è un gioco a cui vuoi giocare con me. Non so cosa stai pianificando, ma non perderò. ( Sweetheart, this isn't a game you want to play with me. I don't know what you're planning but I won't lose)." He was so calm but I couldn't help but feel the warning in his words even though I didn't understand a word he said. "Get some sleep, I'll wake you when dinner is ready"

Not saying anything he sighed as he backed away, sticking his hands in his pockets, he walked back into the bedroom and towards the door "Do you want to tell me where my sheets are?" He asked looking at the bed

"Umm... I was very nauseous in the bed and had an accident. Serves you right for locking me in here, now you have no sheets." I lied trying not to make eye contact with him.

I could still feel his eyes on me as I crossed my arms looking over the garden. "Are we done playing 20 question or are you just going to stand here and watch me the whole time like some creep?"

"Is it wrong for me to be concerned about the mother of my child?" He asked with a smug smirk on his face, still watching me with that intense gaze.

I rubbed my head, feigning a headache. I needed him out of this room now. "What is it that you want, Ryder? I'm already trapped here, so if you're here to check up on me that's not necessary." I turned to him and his eyes became void of any emotion. Narrowing them into slits, he straightened.

As he turned to walk away I let out a snort. "Mr. Mafia man trying to show that he cares that's a laugh, I wouldn't be in this situation had you learned how to use a condom." My voice filled with disdain.

"You know if you weren't pregnant I would drag you down to the basement by that pretty wild hair of yours and watch you  slowly lose your mind as your days seem to blur together. So I'm going to say it's in your best interest to not piss me off on a day like today.

Because I have no problem gutting the kid out of you myself, Tesoro." he smiled. "As I said before get some rest dinner will be ready soon, someone will be up to get you. And run a brush through your hair." Ryder walked out of the room leaving me wide eyed and shocked.

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