Chapter 30

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Nothing good ever came from them, well in my case. My mother would drink herself into a fluster, because she was unhappy. My step-father would just ignore all of us and invite potential investors or people from his campaign over, and Farah would flirt with anything that moved, after no one would pay her any attention she would sleep with one of the catering staff. Me, I would call my aunt from my room and eat my cold dinner alone. But not this year I get to spend it with just Ryder drama free.

I woke up the next morning to see Ryder sleeping next to me. I reached up and stroked his face, and eyelids fluttered open.

"Hi?" I said it like a question, feeling embarrassed.

He looked over my shoulder and surveyed the clock behind me. "Cara, what are you doing up this early?" I looked at the clock and saw that it was seven in the morning.

"I couldn't sleep. I'm a little excited about our first Thanksgiving together. I mean we have a lot to do, we haven't even gone shopping yet." I started ranting when he placed his lips on mine. I instantly shut my mouth.

"Calm down Bella, we still have time to do all of that. It's just us and everything is going to be perfect, no need to worry, yes."

I nodded my head and leaned in to give him a quick little peck. "Thank you."

"No need to thank me, now get back to sleep." He rolled over and pulled the covers back up.

I started thrumming my fingers across my stomach, "I can't, I'm too wound up."

Ryder sighed and rolled back over. "I know what will relax you." He leaned in and kissed me again. He slid his tongue along my bottom lip asking for access into my mouth and I opened it. His tongue twirled with mine fighting for dominance. Realizing I had just woken up, I pushed Ryder off of me.

"What?" He looked perplexed.

"I haven't brushed my teeth yet. What if I have morning breath?"

"Tesoro I could give two shits if you have morning breath." He grabbed my face and pulled me in for another passionate kiss. I instantly laid back on the bed while Ryder climbed in between my legs. There was nothing better than Ryder bringing me to several orgasms to get me back to sleep.

This time I had woken up it wasn't by choice, it was because of the constant bickering of muffled voices that I woke up. Ryder's side of the bed was now empty and cold, which means he has been up for a while. Pulling on one of his button up shirts, I made my way down the hall to find him and Dahlia arguing as usual.

"Would the two of you get out of my house?" Ryder seethed.

"Don't be so grumpy you big hermit. Thanksgiving and Christmas are really important to Jada, so we're here to make sure that you don't screw it up. Now you can either help in the kitchen or go sit in the living room with Kieran." She marched back over to the stove to continue cooking, "Oh and mom and dad will be here tonight so you better have extra place settings.

Ryder just growled and walked away knowing that when her mind is set there is no reasoning with Dahlia. He turned around and his eyes immediately connected with mine and just like that the tension seemed to melt away. He seemed more relaxed and happier when it was just the two of us. I liked that, I have that effect on him.

"I thought you were still sleeping." He walked over and planted a sweet kiss on my lips as he rubbed my belly.

"I was then I sensed a sibling rivalry. So I got up to see what the problem was." I smiled as he chuckled, and it wasn't long before his house was filled with family.

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