Chapter 48

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My head snapped up immediately at the sound of his voice. I didn't get to process what was happening as he slid me off his shoulder and down his body as my feet touched the ground.

Here stood the love of my life, smiling down at me as he wiped the tears from my eyes as they wouldn't stop flowing.

He's really here, was the only thing I could think as I looked him over looking for the bullet wound. Once I was pretty sure he was unharmed I smiled up at him and did the first thing I could think of after ensuring he was okay; I slapped the shit out of him!

"Ow, what the fuck Jada?" He shouts holding his cheek.

Grabbing his face again I pull him into a searing kiss. Moving his hand to my waist he pulls me in closer and I moan when his tongue thrusts into my mouth. Tearing away from the kiss I stroke his stupidly beautiful face, and then go back to hitting him.

"I thought you were dead, you fucking idiot. I watched you take a bullet and you think you can just show up unharmed like some fucking hero!!"

"Sh, sh, shhh." He hushed me as he pulled me against his chest and placed butterfly kisses all over my face. "I'm sorry for scaring you, tesoro. But I had to make it believable and therefore I couldn't tell you."

"Don't ever do that to me again! I mean what the hell, we're supposed to be a team. What else don't I know about?  Did your mom even betray us? Where is Dahlia? Is Kieran going to double double double cross us? This is all too much. I am definitely going to need weeks of therapy, and that might not even help, thank god River isn't old enough—"

My sentence is cut off when Ryder kisses me again. Pulling a way he smirks, "Tesoro, I promise to explain everything to you later, but right now we have to go.

"Yes you will," I say just as Lorenzo comes out the door. "Where is Dahlia," I asked him worriedly. I expected Lorenzo or Kieran to be carrying her out at this point.

"She's where she's supposed to be." Lorenzo says with a sad smile.

"What do you mean by that? She's supposed to be with us!"

"Unfortunately in this lifestyle little one, that's not always how things work out. You have to be willing to accept that death is a part of life and that you can't save everyone." He says sorrowfully.

"What are you talking about? We're not leaving her?" I was about to run back into the building when Ryder grabs me and crouches down to the ground, in an instant the building blows up. Pushing away from Ryder I think of River. A scream tears from my throat as I try to go towards the building, and Ryder cages me in his hold.

"Shhhh baby, I know. But right now we have to go" He coos.

"B-b-but Dahlia," I stutter out as tears run down my cheek.

"It's fine Tesoro." He turns me around, so I am facing him. "Do you trust me?"  I nod my head and he releases me. "Then trust me when I say that this is for the best." Sirens sound off in the distance when a van skids to a stop next to us kicking up gravel and dirt.

"For fucks sake, who gave him the keys?" Lorenzo sighed and rubbed his face in frustration.

Looking through the window, Donny was thumping his hands against the steering wheel—like they were drums—to Barracuda by Heart.  The back door of the caravan opens, and Alice is holding one of her ears shut, as River is screaming bloody murder, cradled in her arm.

My breasts start to feel heavy, and the feeling of guilt washes over me as I realize I had forgotten about my child in the midst of things. Removing myself from Ryder's hold I ran to my baby. She's probably starving knowing Frank, he probably didn't feed her. Taking her from Alice she lets out a soft coo and nuzzles her face towards my boob.

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