Chapter 9

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A month of living with Ryder is like living with a ghost, cause I never see him but I can feel him hovering, and when I do see him it's constantly an argument. Don't get me wrong, he has tried to keep me entertained, he had a daily delivery  of my favorite books and anything like them, he had a tv mounted to the wall a couple days after my grand almost escape. But there was only so much tv you can watch and books tend to lose there bravado after a month, I mean its the same story over and over.

He made sure that lock down was tight, the balcony doors sealed and a guard or two outside the door at all times. The only contact I had was when someone brought me food and even then there was no conversation. So on the days I did see him, the arguments got loud.

"You can't keep me locked in here all the time Ryder, we have to come to some sort of compromise!" I stated as I followed behind him.

He was dressed for the day and about to leave, while I was going to be cooped up in this house all day. God he look good in that suit!! 

"I said no. I'm busy all day and the last thing I want to do is stop my business just to save your ass." He sighed.

"Save me from what the birds chirping, oh no look out a leaf is falling." Dropping down on to my knees I placed my hand over my forehead dramatically. "Someone please save me from the fresh air. I'm dying," I gasped pretending to faint.

Peeking through one of my eyes I saw that he was trying to remain stoic but his lips twitch in humor. Trying to get back up, he stooped down to help me up.

"Not funny and the answer is still no." He said as he brushed invisible lint off of me and caressed my small bump. Which was a little too intimate for Ryder and was awkward for me.

Realizing what he was doing he quickly dropped his hand and took a step back. "Jada just listen to me for once and trust me when I say it is dangerous out there. You are safer here." His eyes held a hint of darkness to them.

"Right because me going outside has everything to do with my safety." I said going to sit back on the bed. "You just don't want to stop screwing your slut." I mumbled. It was satisfying to see the glare on his face as I mentioned his knock off Malibu Barbie

"I'm going to say this one last time and after this I don't want to hear about it anymore. No you can't go out, I don't need to explain why, and I'm not taking you anywhere I already explained why." He smoothed his hair back and adjusted his tie.

"This has nothing to do with Nevaeh and you are still on thin ice from that little stunt you pulled in the garden. You're not leaving this house, Now i have work to do." He sighed as he walked towards the do, pausing with his hand on the knob "you can explore the house, know the room is overbearing." with that he left.

Not before I yelled out, "That's why that bitch left with puke on her ugly ass fur jacket"

Feeling bored and not wanting to read anymore dumb ass books , I decided to keep myself entertained, Wanting to know what secrets the devil himself were hiding I entered Ryder's closet.  Wow the guy had major OCD.

He had an array of suits that were organized by colors. Moving the suits apart from each other to get a better look at them, I saw the word Tuesday on the inside of the blazer. He can't be serious. Moving another suit I saw the word Friday.

Grabbing both the tags I switched them around. Going to his drawers, I started to rummage through it. What will I find? I thought as I tossed socks out of the drawer. Socks, socks, socks. How many socks did one guy need?

Oooh, shiny. Pulling the drawer out further, I reached for the shiny object at the back of the drawer. Picking it up I almost dropped it immediately. Of course he would have a gun in his sock drawer. Holding the gun by the tips of my fingers I lowered it back inside.

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