Chapter 3

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Ryder left without a trace. It was almost as if I had imagined the whole thing.

I woke up alone tucked into bed, no proof of him except the lingering smell of his cologne. The part the got me was how can him disappearing bother me more than what happened wit Luke. It was supposed to be a one night stand, no strings, no care just one night of freedom.

After a month of feeling bad for myself, I started to realize that it was just a meaningless one night stand. I barely knew the guy, and he definitely wasn't someone I wanted to be with long term if he just left a girl like that. Probably slept with another girl the next day.

So I did what I did best put one a smile and confidently held my head high. I was currently on the prowl for "man meat" my as best friend and roommate, Dahlia, so graciously put it. Forcing me into a short, provocative dress, she dragged me to one of the hottest night clubs in New York.

"In order to get over that dick head Luke, who by the way tap that ass and hit the gas, Is to fuck someone new." Dahlia stated. Walking towards the club in her six inch heels she swayed her hips in her tiny skirt and crop top. Her signature outfit which meant she was ready to have a good time.

"Do you have to make it sound so cheap," I groaned out as we walked ahead of the long line of people. She's always hated Luke, her words and I quote "Pretty boy is about as exciting as a flicking light bulb in the day time." the moment she saw the news she offered to castrate him as well as show him his own intestines. She has a very dark sense of humor.

"New dick is like a palette cleanse, Jay, you have to get a taste for something refreashing after that stale shit for six years. Now let's get you in there and cleanse your vagina," she yelled out while slapping me on the ass.

The bouncer lifted the velvet rope letting us in. Cameras flashed everywhere outside of Club Spade. I was hoping to have a quiet low key night, but with Dahlia that was totally impossible. Dahlia kissed the door man's cheek and the people groaned out in annoyance as we walked in, swearing at us like they usually do. My roommate in her "demure" fashion turned around and flipped them all off.

I never understood how she could do something like that without a second thought. She was everything I wanted to be and so much more. She didn't give a shit about what anyone thought of her and she never got cheated on. She was never in a relationship long enough to get cheated on.

We walked around the club for a brief period as she scouted out the most fuckable guys. Her words not mine. Excitement radiated off her as she looked around for the perfect one, I didn't have the heart to tell her that I had already found him while she was out of town. Just going along with it, I sat at the bar with her while she went hunting.

Taking a shot she walked out onto the dancefloor. Grabbing some guy by the shirt she started grinding on him. Never the prey always the hunter, I admired her from my seat. Turning I ordered my own shot from the bartender. Liquid courage grant me the power to go out there and hunt down a one night stand. Breathing in deeply, I was about to take a sip when a guy sat next to me.

"Is this seat taken?" He asked giving me a smile.

"Actually, yes it is." I reached for my shot again when he spoke.

"I get it you probably think I'm trying to hook up with you, but I'm not." I glanced up at him and he was giving me a boyish smile. "My feet hurt from dancing with the worst dancer ever. I just want to sit down."

"No. I wasn't thinking that." I sputtered out shaking my head. "That seat really is taken. My friend," I pointed to Dahlia who was shaking her ass on the dance floor. "That's her seat."

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