Bonus Chapter

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Ryder's POV

"Principessa," Blaise mocked as he made his way over to me as I carried Jada to the car. "So now she's your little princess that's sweet, ya know after you just tried to kill her and everything." He chuckled at my choice of words.

"Shut up. I was just trying to soothe her. I didn't want her to try and fight the drug." I lied easily, but he knew me better than that.

"Chiama mia madre e mio padre così non mi uccidono appena entro in casa. È stata una lunga notte e non voglio accumulare altra merda sopra quello con cui ho già a che fare(Call my mom and dad so they don't kill me as soon as I walk into the house. It's been a long night and I don't want to pile any more shit on top of what I'm already dealing with)." I instructed, as I adjusted Jada in my arms. Her head rolled into my chest and she nuzzled her head into my neck.

My natural instinct was to shirk away from any woman's touch, but for some odd reason I rested my chin on tip of her head. She looked so peaceful, especially without all of the screaming.

"Whatever you say boss."

"Why don't you go and put some ice on that bruise, she took you down pretty hard with the lid of that trash can huh?." placing her in the backseat, I chuckled slightly

"Yeah what the fuck was that? She broke Pietro's leg with that kick thing she did. How does someone like her know how to fight like that, she's pregnant for god's sake."

Eyeing Jada, who was still passed out, I had to wonder how someone as small as her was that capable. I know she works in a bar, but from what Dahlia has told me she was going to school be a nurse, but it seems as if her little roommate has been keeping a secret.

Looking at her, the cut on my face came to the forefront of my mind. No normal girl in that situation would have that type of instinct like that. Her flight or fight kicked in and seems this little mystery could do both.

the sound of her ringtone broke through my thought process, leaning over I retrieved it from her pocket and cursed as I saw the name and picture flash across the screen. I didn't fear a lot of people but my sister was a different story; when it stopped ringing, I breathed a sigh of relief, but it was short lived as it started up again. The picture of my sister and this girl popped up. Shit she is fucking persistent.

Answering the phone, I could hear my sisters voice on the other end. "Why didn't you answer my phone call. your Momster came by looking for you, probably to talk about her latest plan with the Governor and how she can capitalize on my little peanut or send you to some retreat" she sounded disgusted. "To help with your little problem, or worse have you marry that asshole to try and cover this up. She looked all smug in her stupid Chanel Suit like she's better than everyone. If she wasn't married to a government official she wouldn't be..." Her voice trailed off and she stayed silent.

"Whoever this is, you have five seconds to tell me what you did with my friend, before I hunt you down and rip your spine out."

"Why so violent, sorella (sister)?"

"Ryder?! Why do you have Jada's phone, where is she?"

"I'm getting the jet ready for us to go home. Pack what you need and meet us at the tarmac." I said avoiding her question, hoping she wouldn't notice.

"Ryder -"

"Not over the phone Dahlia. I will meet you at the plane."

Hearing her frustrated sigh, the phone clicked out. She was so going to kill me when she finds out. The last time I slept with one of her friends she nearly cut my dick off, literally. Came at me with a machete, it was one of the bloodiest fights we've ever gotten into, after that I vowed not to sleep with any of her friends ever again.

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