Chapter 11

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We had been standing in silence for the past five minutes. Ryder was just watching me, and I was watching him. It was like one of those Discovery Channel shows when the predator watches its prey for like thirty minutes before attacking.

Ryder's eyes just kept on assessing me. Each move I made his eyes would just follow like one of those creepy painting on the walls of old house. It was like a stand off, neither one willing to move until the other.

You've been crying?" he was the first to break as he took in my face, Walking next to me he placed the tray down on the bed, causing me to squirm, he was so close his lips barely brushing mine as he stood up and walked to the closet removing his blazer

"What, " I asked in confusion at the first thing he said to me in forever.

"You've been crying," I could hear him rustling "Did my sister make you cry?"

I faintly heard a growl coming from the closet, thinking it was my imagination I shook the thought from my mind. Finally relaxing I made my way over to the big plushy bed I had spent most of my days in. Crawling under the blankets I began to get comfortable and finish the soap opera Dahlia and I had started.

"Did she?" My eyes nearly popped out of my head as I saw Ryder standing at the entrance of the closet without a shirt on.

All his tattoos and his rippling muscles on full display. They were like a road map and I wanted my fingers to trace all over it and explore it. Did he live at the gym? How many tattoos does he have? Am I drooling? My fingers moved aimlessly up my face to see if any moisture was leaking from my lips and they god they weren't because that would have been embarrassing.

You're definitely not leaking from those lips, but you want to send your lower ones the message. My subconscious chided me while wearing a plumber's uniform.

"Jada," he smirked smugly and leaned against the closet door causing me to end my ogling.

"What? Umm... No, she didn't." I looked anywhere, but at him to get rid of the lust filled haze I was currently in. "The baby did." Straightening his eyes held so much confusion and concern in them. "Oh, no. Nothing is wrong with the baby. It's just that she's causing my emotions to be all over the place. You know hormones." I said fiddling with his thick blanket.

"Oh well, that's good news then."

Narrowing my eyes, anger had now replaced the sadness from earlier He cannot be serious. Here I am carrying his damn child and my emotions are all over the place. Typical man, thinking that everything that happens to a woman during pregnancy is natural. Well it is not. I am going through changes that I've never experienced before, and he thinks its good

"It's good news that my sister didn't make you cry, not about the baby making you cry." he clarified

It was like he could read my mind. Maybe he wasn't so bad after –

"Besides I would hate to have to kill my own sister."

Well there goes my original thought. He is still the same monster I had pictured in my mind. God how could I have been so stupid to think he was going to be sweeter.

He emerged from the closet still with no shirt on and a pair of low hanging flannel pajamas. Why is he torturing me?

Jada you are not attracted to him. He slept with you, snuck out in the middle of the night, murdered someone in front of you, and kidnapped you and took you to Italy. Where you know no one. He's the enemy. My subconscious shouted rationally.

Right! The Enemy I thought firmly, as I looked over at him.

Climbing into the bed his muscles flexed slightly and a whole new voice took over.

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