Chapter 20

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"That's it, now breathe in deeply." Valentina instructed as she walked around us. "Dads make sure that your hand is resting on mommy's tummy so that baby can feel that connection."

I felt a zing as Ryder's hands rubbed soothing circles on my belly. Apparently, he didn't need to go to that big meeting that was so urgent this morning. He sent a junior partner instead. Now here I am sitting between his legs with my head resting on his broad chest. I don't know whether to be happy or angry.

"Valentina, Dominic is not making me feel that connection." Donny raised his hand as he laid back on Dominic. He's currently wearing a sympathy belly that she was all too happy to give him.

Ryder and Donny debated on who was going to stay with me through the class, but as you can tell Ryder won that debate. Donny – only being down here for Valentina – told them he wanted to do the class as well because he was sympathetic to my pregnancy. So, he asked Valentina what was the best way for that? When she brought out the belly, he smiled and grabbed Dominic that he was going to be his partner.

"Dude, I am not going to rub your belly. There isn't even a baby in there," Dominic snapped.

"How dare you. Here I am with all of this extra weight on me and you're telling me there isn't a baby in there." Flexing his stomach, the belly moved under his shirt. "See junior just kicked."

Not being able to hold it in any longer I started laughing so hard my belly started to cramp. In that moment it felt like all of the awkward tension seemed to dissipate.

"I can't even with  you man," Dominic scoffed.

"And on that note, we are going to do some new things today like show you how to change a diaper and swaddle a baby the correct way."

"There is a wrong way to swaddle a baby," Ryder asked at the same time Donny spoke.

"Hell yeah, I'm going to make that baby my bitch." He tried getting up while struggling with the big belly.

"Let's try not to make the baby your bitch today, Mr. Bandini." Valentina stated as she grabbed the pretend babies from her bag and sat them on her portable table.

Leaning forward, Ryder stood up and then placed his hands under my arms helping me up. We were standing so close to each other I could feel his warmth on my back. With each breath he breathed it felt a million little tingles run down my spine.

Walking over to the table I needed my space from him. Even though he decided to stay, I am still angry at him for acting like I didn't even exist this morning. I mean if this is how it's going to be every time we fuck, Roll out of bed and pretend I don't exist. It's time he gets a taste of his own medicine.

"Aren't you going to help me up, dude?" Donny snapped, still turtling on the floor.

"I'm not the idiot who strapped a thirty-pound belly to me." Dominic laughed walking over to the table standing right next to me. "Looks like I'm an insta-dad," he joked holding up one of the fake babies.

Giggling, I looked up when Ryder squeezed in between the two of us. "What's so funny, I like jokes?"

"Nothing it was just a dumb joke, "I spoke keeping my eyes on Donny as Valentina helped him off the floor. At one point he pretended to fall over on her, making sure she caught him.

Walking over to the table Donny wiggled his eyebrows, giving me a smile. When he first started coming to classes with me, he had vowed by the time this was all over he was going to have Valentina's number, which I doubted he could do. At that point we had a friendly little wager going on. I didn't have the heart or the pockets to tell him that I caught Valentina on the phone with her very beautiful girlfriend that day after class, but it sure is worth it to watch him try this hard to get a girl.

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