Chapter 2

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*Cassandra's POV*

It began at the concert that Charlotte, my best friend, dragged me to. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a One Direction hater; I'm just not a fan either.

Charlotte was having the time of her life - jumping up and down, singing along, and screaming until she was hoarse. I was just kind of standing there awkwardly, jumping in at the chorus to a few of the songs.

In a couple hours, it was over. We walked outside into the bitter cold wind toward the sidewalk. Charlotte couldn't stop grinning and explaining every last detail of the concert as if I hadn't gone.

"And then the next song, I Want, came on, and it was just wonderful! I could say they sound better live, but the drummer, Josh, messed up a little during that so-"

"Charlotte!" I burst, making her flinch. I began blushing furiously, though I had no reason to. "Uh, I know. I was there."

"Well...yeah..." she said sheepishly, avoiding my gaze.

We walked along the sidewalk in silence for a while, with nothing but the sound of the wind in the trees filling our ears.

We turned the corner and Charlotte spoke up again.

"Sometimes I wonder if One Direction are nice as people. I wonder if their interviews are just, you know, like cover stories," she admitted.

"I don't know," I answered honestly. Not that I've seen any of their interviews.

Charlotte pulled out her phone. She opened twitter and began grinning. She showed me her phone. An adorable picture - I mean just a picture of Niall Horan glowed onto the screen. Charlotte's shiny brown eyes met mine and I knew what she was thinking.

"Don't you wish he would just follow you everywhere?"

"No. I'd rather not have a stalker." I said, but couldn't help smiling a little. Charlotte saw my face and she started giggling. Which made me giggle, of course, and by the time we got to my house we were doubled over in laughter.

I pulled my wallet out of my pocket and found the house key. With an audible click, the door swung open. We walked inside.

My mom wasn't home. I assumed she was at work and headed toward my room. Charlotte followed me.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket, and a picture of Niall Horan was on my lock screen. I spun around to face Charlotte, who was trying hard not to laugh. I raised an eyebrow at her and unlocked it.

•Can Charlotte spend the night?• I texted my mom.

She didn't respond, so I let Charlotte put down her stuff and we talked.

"So what's your favorite 1D song?" she asked me.

"Umm, I'd say.... Little Things. You?" I responded.

"Live While We're Young for sure!" she said without hesitation.

I turned my head and peeked out the window. The crowd had died down a little since we had left.

Suddenly, Charlotte shot up.

"THAT'S THEIR TOUR BUS!!!!!" she screamed, pointing out into the distance. I got up to look. Sure enough, there was a small red smudge out by the stadium.

Charlotte began tugging at my sleeve. "C'MON C'MON WE GOTTA GO SEE IT!!!! I WANNA MEET MY BOYS!!!!" she pleaded.

"Ok. First of all, there's probably about a million girls surrounding it right now. Secondly, the boys won't be coming out until their bodyguards clear everyone away from it and there isn't a soul in sight. The odds of you even getting a glimpse of any of them would be a million to one chance. I hate to break it to you, but we're not going." I reasoned, leading her away from the window.

"Buh buh buh...." Charlotte tried to make an excuse.

Bzzt. Bzzt. Bzzt.

I picked up my phone and looked at the text.

•Sorry, we have plans. Maybe some other time.• My mom had texted.

"Sorry, my mom said you can't stay. I'll walk you home." I told her.

I helped Charlotte pick up her things before we headed out the door.

"Well, thanks for going to the concert with me," she said as we walked. "I had a blast!"

I smiled. "No problem,"

She jogged up the driveway and entered her garage code. She waved to me before disappearing inside.

I turned around and walked back, the sun shining on my blonde hair and glaring off my glasses as the bitter cold wind pricked at my face. I yanked open my front door.

I took a double-take.

Niall Horan - THE Niall Horan - was in the hallway, clutching my laptop.

I bolted upstairs.

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