Chapter 43

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*Niall's POV*

I slid in after Harry and thumped on the cold concrete floor. I was right in thinking it would lead to a basement. 

I looked around, but it was so dark that I couldn't have seen anything less had I closed my eyes. 

"Harry?" I whispered loudly, to make sure he was here. My voice sounded strange filling the empty space, and even though it was so quiet, it echoed a few times in the chilly air of the room. 

I heard a bit of scuffling, and then felt a cold hand on my right shoulder. I gasped. 

"I'm right here," said Harry, his voice coming from the approximate location of where the head attached to the hand would be. I allowed myself to breathe again. 

"Here, I'll start behind us on the wall and work my way around to my right to see if I can find either a light switch or a door." Harry suggested, "You walk ahead and start at the wall there and go to your right. Every time you reach a corner, say so, so I know where we've already looked,"

"Okay," I said, walking straight forward with my arms outstretched, groping in the darkness for some kind of surface. 

In about five steps, I found the wall, and let Niall know it wasn't too far away. 

I walked to my right, brushing my fingers along the wall as I went. No fault was there in the levelness of the wall. 

Right up until another wall came crashing into my nose. I cried out in pain, the sound echoing once again. 

"What happened?" Harry panicked. 

"Nothing, I-I found the corner..." I said, wincing in the pain of my throbbing nose. 

We worked our way around the room, and when I reached the third corner, I knew every wall had been checked. There was no door. 

There was no door. 

Harry bumped into me, and he had realized the same thing I had. 

"There is no door," he said. 

I tried to stay calm. "That doesn't matter. We can just go back out the w-"


I looked up, only to see the window had closed. 

Harry's breath quickened. 

"Give me a boost," I said, "It wouldn't lock on its own,"

Harry had just started to help me up when the alarms sounded. 

We were trapped. 

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