Chapter 33

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*Liam's POV*

"Professor Calando lives in a castle," I began. "It's guarded by horses,"

"Which explains why that has been one of your training sessions," explained Niall. 

"It has all kinds of security," Harry added, "Like a watchtower and an alarm system. The Professor has no visitors, so everyone who approaches the castle is basically an intruder,"

"But, why is he so bad?" Margaret asked. "What makes him your 'mortal enemy'?"

Harry continued, "Well, he makes a living making fun of us," I felt like it was a blunt way to put it, but it got the point across. "Anyway, we'll need to create some sort of diversion to get inside his castle-"

"Hold up, why are we breaking into his castle?" Eleanor interrupted. "What has he done wrong?"

As if on cue, my phone beeped twice. I looked at it, and everyone stared at me expectantly. 

"He's posted another 'song,'" I said, using air quotes. 

"Let's hear it," sighed Zayn, as if resigning to his fate. I clicked play. 

"Me myself and I," Professor Calando's horrid voice came through, to the tune of You and I. "We just wanna be normal... we are the weirdest people... no one will understand, friendlessness... solitary confinement... I am a freak of nature...."

I turned it off and looked up to see the girls' reactions.

"That... wasn't even remotely good." commented Cassandra.

"That was just... stupid," agreed Kaya.

"What was the point of that, exactly?" Margaret asked, her face contorting into a confused expression.

"How does someone make money with poorly written songs like that...?" Eleanor asked to no one in particular.

The five of us just shrugged. "Why doesn't matter. It just is," I said. 

"But," Louis said, clapping his hands together, "here's where you come in." He paused dramatically. "To stop him from causing us to lose fans, we'll need a diversion to keep the watchmen from noticing when we go towards the horses at the right time. Whoever goes to horse training on day 5 will be the one to determine that."

"It will also take some acting skills," inputted Zayn, "to trick the security guards to let us in, so whoever does acting on day 5 will do all the talking,"

"And if you need to," added Niall, "confuse them with big words that they don't understand. Or just use Harry Potter spells."

Harry spoke up last. "And whoever does drawing on day 5 will sketch out a picture of the Professor for reference."

The girls had fire in their eyes; they were ready to fight. 

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