Chapter 17

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*Eleanor's POV*

The door slammed and I heard the rattle of a lock being turned. 

We were trapped. 

The room they had put us in had six white, concrete walls and no windows whatsoever. I wasn't claustrophobic, per se, but this room, with four girls in it, seemed smaller than it really was. 

The floor was cold as ice against my bare feet, like a basement floor in a house with no furnace. I wondered when the last time I had worn shoes was. Yesterday? My riding lesson? I didn't remember taking them off. 

The five boys of what used to be my favorite band in the world were outside the room, tittering just quietly enough that I couldn't make out what they were saying. I stopped caring soon enough, though, as I knew it wouldn't change anything knowing what they were talking about. 

Cassandra, there was no mistaking my cousin now, was pacing the floor, chewing on her nails. 

Then there was the other girl I had met in the car, but I didn't know her name yet. She was sitting on the floor, fiddling with a necklace and studying every detail of it, probably simply to keep herself from focusing on the situation. 

There was one other girl there, too, but I didn't know what her name was. She was about my height, but obviously younger than me. Her bronze skin stood out on the white walls, and her curly black hair hung down to her elbows. She simply stood staring at the door. Maybe she was still trying to decipher their mutters. 

Each one of us was utterly terrified. There were countless things we could be wanted for. 




I closed my eyes as if to try to block out the idea of it. 

But my mind wouldn't stop racing.


Okay, okay, okay, I'll relieve the suspense in the next chapter. 



Some of it. 


Mwahahahahaha >:)


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