Chapter 22

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*Cassandra's POV*

Harry took Margaret and me around the corner, separating us from the other two. I just did as I was told. 

He led me to a room two doors down from the concrete room. He told me to go inside, and I obeyed. He closed the door, but in three seconds it opened again and Niall came in. 

"Hello again, Cassandra," he said. "Training day one," He smiled at me. 

"One out of how many?" I asked. 

"Five," he said. "On the first four days you'll go through a class, and one of us is going to train you. On the fifth day, whichever you did the best at we'll strengthen so you're the expert on it." He went over to a desk in the corner and opened the drawer, pulling out a thin packet of paper stapled in the corner. 

"This is your... initiation test, so to speak," he said, handing me the paper. "It's about books, so I hope you like reading."

My face lit up. I'd be good at this. 

"Just give it to me when you're done," he said, smiling. 

I sat down in a foldout chair I found a few feet to my right and took the pencil he gave me and began writing feverishly. 

There were about 20 questions on the test, 15 of which involved Harry Potter and the other five consisting of simply opinions on books and what makes a good one. I finished it in easily ten minutes, handing Niall the papers as soon as I signed my name at the top. 

He grinned at me knowingly, seeing the fangirl inside popping out. I giggled. 

He took out a red pen and looked over the questions, checking off my correct answers. When he finished, he told me I had gotten them all right. 

"I'm impressed," he said. "I happen to be a huge Harry Potter fan myself,"

I just grinned, trying not to make a fool of myself. I knew I already had, though. 

We spent the next few hours discussing Harry Potter and how amazing it was. We also discussed some of the flaws, like how people didn't use the Time Turner to kill Voldemort when he was younger or how the Deathly Hallows didn't serve as much purpose as they should have.

I never thought I'd see the day when I discussed Harry Potter with Niall Horan. 

I just wished it was in a different situation. 


Another writing spree today!!!!! Yayyy I might update multiple times today JUST CUZ I CAN!!


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