Chapter 11

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*Harry's POV*

I should've taken her phone.

Margaret heard it go off in her pocket when some "Cassandra" girl texted her. Apparently, while I was tying her to a chair, she was told how to easily get out of duct tape.

Then, you'll never guess it, her cat.

Her cat was an issue.

There it was, licking itself in the corner, not drawing any attention to itself, and the next thing I know it's on top of me, trying to kill me.

I wrestled the stupid cat for about ten minutes before I finally got smart and fumbled with the phone in my pocket and dialed whatever number was on speed dial.

Lucky, Louis picked up the phone.


"Margaret untied her duct tape... And now her cat is on my case... Come quickly! I need help!!"

"We're on our way, Harry, don't worry! Now help is out here: do we turn onto Scarlet Drive or keep going straight?"

"How am I supposed to know?? Ow, ow. Ow! Hurry!!"

Louis hung up. 

I managed to grab the cat by its front paws, though it continued to kick at me. In a few minutes, I heard a car pull into the driveway and three honks. 

I dropped the cat and sped off towards where I had last seen Margaret: the kitchen. 

I ran in there to find her armed with a frying pan over her head, prepared to strike whenever she felt the need. 

"I know why you’re here, and I’m not afraid of you." she said. "How did you find me? Who else knows my location, Harry Styles?"

"Going all Disney on me, I see..." I thought aloud. "C'mon, why not join us?"

"Why would I want to?"

Was it worth telling her exactly what we needed these specific girls for? I debated silently in my head about what to tell her. 

Considering she could call the police on me, I decided I shouldn't tell her too much.

"Let's just say you and the others-"

"Others? There are others you've kidnapped?!"

"Kidnapped? I wouldn't call it that-"

"That's what it is!"

I shook my head. "Look. I just wanted you and...them... to come with us so we can do something. You specifically are needed."

"Why me? Something brought you here, Harry Styles. Call it what you will: fate, destiny…"

Disney-ing again. This could get annoying quickly. Yet, it was almost cute. 

"So I have made the decision to trust you. I like you, Harry Styles, and I don't think you're a bad person. If you do something, it's probably for the right reason. When will I be back?"

I thought. I was surprised she was willing to cooperate, but I was afraid the wrong answer would cause a whack from the frying pan. 

"Well, it sort of depends. I'd say the max amount of time would take... a week?"

"A WEEK?!" She raised the pan higher above her head.

I cringed, prepared for impact. "At the absolute most! Probably less than that!!"

She paused.

Then she lowered the pan and relaxed. 

"Ok. I could use a break from life for a week. But if it takes more than a week, Harry Styles..." she tensed her fingers around the handle of the pan, "'ll regret it."

*Margaret's POV*

Was I scared? Definitely.

Was I afraid my mom would think I'd been kidnapped? For sure.

Was I delighted about having a reason to quote Tangled without it sounding stupid? One hundred percent.

Was I willing to trust Harry? Absolutely.

Was I going to regret all this later? Now that's a better question. 

I heard another three honks out the door. 

"Coming?" Harry asked.

I hesitated and rapidly weighed my options. A week with One Direction doing who-knows-what with me and other girls I don't know, or another week of life at home?

A once-in-a-lifetime chance or something that always happens?

"Coming," I smiled.

And with that, we walked out to the truck in the driveway together. 


So???? What do you think it is that One Direction needs these four girls for? Any wild guesses??

Will Margaret be happy about her decision or regret it?

Why did she choose to be kidnapped??

Some things to ponder while you wait for the next chapter... >:)

Comment your thoughts! I'd like to hear them!!



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