Chapter 41

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*Louis's POV*

We took a collective deep breath, and without a single word passing our lips, we trudged to the point where Eleanor had stopped merely two minutes ago. 

"Let's go," I heard Liam mutter to my left. 

I nodded once, and out of the corner of my eye, I saw Zayn do the same. 

And then we sprinted. 

We shot as one to to the gates, and impulsively, stopped when the horses started rearing up and attempting to kick us. 

Dodging the horses' hooves and shouting advice to everyone else, the three of us eventually made it to the door. Liam looked at me with wild eyes. "It's probably locked!!!" and squeezed his eyes shut when a horse nearly bashed his head. 

No time to think what if, I thought, and tried the handle. It swung open easily. 

The three of us squeezed through a tiny opening not big enough for horses to get through and slammed it shut, breathing heavily. 

We made it. 

The thought passed through my head like a trigger, and the alarms started blaring. 

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