Chapter 38

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*Cassandra's POV*

I stood up, and Eleanor soon copied. 

"What are you doing?" she asked me. 

"Trying to figure out how we're supposed to meet with the Professor," I answered, as he didn't seem to be nearby. I had a feeling he wouldn't be easy to find, nor out in the open if he was as important as he thought he was. 

I approached the man at the desk with the slicked hair, and asked him bluntly, "So, where can we find the Professor?"

His gaze went straight through us, as if he was lost in thought. 

"Excuse me?" I repeated, "We'd like to see the Professor!"

He snapped out of his trance and glared at me. "Sorry. You can't see him."

"Why not?" snapped Eleanor. 

"He isn't expecting anyone. You have to call to make a reservation, and know exactly what you'll be discussing with him and the exact amount of time it will take down to the minute. You have none of the above." he said passively. 

"Okay," I said, and turned around. "Quick, do you have paper?" I muttered to Eleanor. 

"Um, I have this," she said, holding up a tiny scrap of what probably used to be a post-it note. "It'll have to do," I said, taking a pen off the counter without the man noticing. I wrote on it what I hoped would sway him to let us in. 

"I have here," I declared, showing him the torn fragment of paper, "a pass signed by Alohomora Levicorpus to let us see the Professor." I handed it to him confidently, like I was positive that would be acceptable. 

He glanced at the paper and mumbled, "Never heard of him,"

Internally, I was relieved immensely to know he had no idea those were Harry Potter spells. If he had, he would've called my bluff. Externally, I gaped. "Alohomora Levicorpus? The president of the Cruciatus Corporation? You've never heard of him??"

He didn't even look up. "Nope."

Eleanor started to catch on. "He's the most talented Legilimens out there! And you're just brushing him off like he's some average guy that has no influence over the Professor??"

The man rolled his eyes, but it was evident that he was getting slightly more intrigued by our stressing. "I don't know what you're talking about. What's a Legilimens?"

"A Legilimens? It's the opposite of an Occlumens," I explained vaguely, as if that answered his question. 

He nodded slowly, also pretending to understand. "Okay... and the Professor knows this Alohamarah guy?"

"Who doesn't?" Eleanor snickered. 

"Okay... I'll com him and let him know you have a signed letter from Alohamoarah Levycorpse and see what he says," He turned to press an intercom button, and Eleanor looked at me, terrified. I thought fast. "No! No! Not Alohamoarah Levycorpse!! He's the secretary of Nebraska State University. It's Alohomora Levicorpus," I said frantically. 

"Oh! Um, yes, that would be a horrible mistake... he would have no idea who that was," the man agreed. I tried hard not to laugh at his gullibility. 

"Yes. Alohomora Legilimens," Eleanor said. I looked at her. 

"I thought you just said it was Alohomora Levicorpus?"

"No!! That's the Vice CEO of Walmart. Alohomora Legilimens is a talented Levicorpus, we said. I think that's what confused you," Eleanor reasoned. I loved messing with this guy, now that I understood we'd confuse him into agreeing, 

"Right. Alohomora Legilimens," the man said, ready to com him. 

His finger was touching the button when I thought of another twist to put on it. "Remember to tell him that he's the president of that company!"

He withdrew his finger. "What was the company again? Crutchie Corporation?"

Eleanor and I both laughed out loud, this time not acting. "No! Cruciatus!" I said after getting my giggles out of my system. 

"So, it's Alohomora Legilimens, President of Cruciatus Corporation?"

"Nope! It's Alohomora Levicorpus," Eleanor said, and I couldn't keep from laughing this time. When Eleanor gave me a look, I tried to explain myself. "I just can't believe you don't know who he is," I said lamely. 

"I... gosh, I can't remember all this," the man said. "I'll just let you guys see him when he has a free period. It's not like you work for One Direction or something," and he laughed really, really hard. 

Eleanor burned bright red, but we both cracked up like it was the most ridiculous thing we had ever heard too. 

Success, all the same, we'd take. 

"I'll call you guys over when he has a free hour or so," the man promised. "You can wait here in the lobby,"

Eleanor smiled at me, and I smiled at him. "Thanks," I said. 

I felt bad for the guy, for tricking him so roughly, but I knew it was for the greater good. 

And, plus, it's his own fault that he didn't read Harry Potter to keep from falling into our trap. 

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