Chapter 28

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*Eleanor's POV*

I was lead into the first room to our right, and once I was inside, Niall closed the door behind me. I took a seat in one of the five random chairs strewn about the room and waited, staring out at the deep pink sky. 

Harry entered the room in just a few minutes. He handed me a pad of paper, smiling. "Training day 2," he said. "I'd like you to draw a self-portrait."

I blushed. I knew it wouldn't turnout very well, but I started drawing anyway. I started with the head, drew in some facial features, and did my best to depict a girl who could look like any other girl if you looked hard enough. I knew I wasn't good at making a person resemble one specific person, so just decided to wing it and hope for the best. 

When I had sketched out what seemed to be a decent picture, I showed it to Harry. 

He stared at it for a full ten seconds in dead silence. I started to feel uncomfortable. 

"This looks nothing like you," Harry said. "Who is this supposed to be?"

I opened my mouth, hoping it would form some sort of answer on its own, but none came. "I... uh..."

"Margaret's drawing actually resembled her. It was a quality work. What do you call this?"

His making eye contact with me didn't help the situation. I felt my face burning red. "Sorry," was all I could think of to say.

"Well, I hope you do better with the next drawing assignments," he said, not looking angry but just irritated, like he expected me to do better than I did. I guessed Margaret set the bar pretty high. 

Harry started to walk to the other end of the room to get something when a crash rattled the ground and the room went dark. 

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