Chapter 12

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*Zayn's POV*

Harry busted out of the house with scratches up and down his arms and face. I cringed.

Right behind him came Margaret... was she... smiling?

Harry opened the door for her, Louis got out and she hopped in willingly.

Harry, how is it that you can charm girls like that...?

Margaret screamed. "There's a body back here!!"

Niall looked back. "No, no, that's just Eleanor. Don't worry about it," he gestured to the unconscious body.

Margaret, obviously a sensitive girl, tried to set up Eleanor and buckle her in before sliding into the middle seat.

Louis joined her in the back, and Harry somehow managed to squeeze on the end next to him. Louis bombarded Margaret and Harry with questions, most along the lines of "Why is she so okay with this?"

Margaret was too busy trying to process it all, I guess. She didn't say much, only nodded or grunted her agreement sometimes. Harry was in no mood to talk.

As we gave up on trying to get the story of what happened in that house out of them, we stopped talking, dropping off one by one.

When silence came again, Margaret said her first full sentence since she'd been in the truck.

"So... What exactly is it you plan to do with me and..." - she glanced at Eleanor - "...the others?"

I looked at Harry. "I gathered that you told her already."

He shook his head. "Nope. I thought that was supposed to be kept secret?"

I nodded, because he was right. They weren't supposed to know.

Not yet.

"Well? Who's going to tell me?" she demanded, a little harsher.

*Cassandra's POV*

I sat at the closest possible place to the tinted windows, trying to see in to see what was happening. I was pretty sure we had just picked someone up; only whoever it was must have expected them, because there was no screaming or struggle.

Well, until she screamed about Eleanor's body.

Eleanor. That's what Niall had called her. I knew an Eleanor, and she was my cousin. Based on the silhouette I could see, the glasses, the tall, thin figure, there was a high chance it was her.

I listened intently with my war to the window, catching only snippets of conversation.

"What exactly...plan..." said a female voice I didn't recognize.

"...thought...secret," I heard Harry say.

"Who... tell me?" the female voice demanded.

I leaned closer in, pushing my ear completely against the window.

Louis' voice I could hear respond after a long series of muffled comments. "Fine... only you... 'kay?"

Only you...

He was only going to tell this one person why we were here.

And this might be my only chance to hear any of it.

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