Chapter 36

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*Liam's POV*

Once Eleanor and Cassandra got inside, we all cheered. 

But the joy wasn't long-lasting, as it slowly dawned on us that now it was our turn to get inside. 

"Okayyy..." I said awkwardly when the cheers died down. "Now what?"

The only responses I got were blank stares. Yep. 

After about twenty minutes of discussion, however, we gathered our strayed thoughts into a sort of plan. 

Our final idea was that Louis, Zayn and I would try going towards the horses again, in hopes they were still calm after Eleanor and Cassandra had gone through. 

Niall and Harry would go around to the back of the building to see if they could find some sort of back entrance. 

"That leaves you two," Niall said, once we had figured out that much. 

Margaret and Kaya glanced at each other, silently asking the other what they'd like to try to do. 

I saw Kaya's face light up, if only for a second, but then it was back to normal. Maybe she had another idea that she thought would work, but then realized it wouldn't a split second later. 

"We'll go with the smaller group," Kaya said, before Margaret could voice her opinion. "Niall and Harry. We'll follow you around the back,"

Margaret looked at Kaya quizzically, but she ignored her completely. I nodded. 

"Okay, I guess we should... go then," I said. 

We all jumped out of the car, Zayn, Louis and I leaning against the van while Margaret, Kaya, Harry and Niall headed forward, curving to the right. 

I took a breath. Here goes nothing. 

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