Chapter 27

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*Margaret's POV* 

I woke up to the sound of someone rapping loudly on the door. 

"Wake up! Training day two!" bellowed Louis through the door. 

I sat up and stretched, my back and neck popping. Sleeping on concrete must not be good for you. 

I looked around and saw that the other three were stirring as well. In about five minutes, Harry and Niall came in to lead us to our rooms. 

I went with Eleanor and Niall this time, and Kaya and Cassandra went with Harry. 

We turned right at the door and Eleanor went into the very first room we came to. Niall lead me two doors down, and Niall followed me in. 


I was sort of lazy and sort of suspenseful and decided to put Traning Day Two into four different chapters XDD

Until the next POV... >:)


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