Chapter 15

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*Cassandra's POV*

When the car doors slammed, I counted to thirty. When I heard zero sound from inside the truck, I knew they had left Kaya and me behind.

We were alone.

This was our chance.

We exchanged a glance, both thinking the same thing.

I tried to open the back, but there was no handle. It was one of those roof-comes-off cars, like my dad's. I didn't bother with trying to lift off the top, knowing it would be latched from the outside.

"Kaya," I muttered. "Check the windows with me,"

She agreed, and she started on the windows to our right and stared working her way around, feeling for a latch or handle. I started on the left and felt around for something that could be opened, too.

"Any luck?" she asked me, just as I was getting closer to the windows viewing the inside of the truck.

"Nop-" I began, just as my hand brushed over a knob. I stopped. "Potentially,"

Kaya grinned and crawled over to my right and watched over my shoulder as I spun the knob. The window to the rest of the truck slowly deflated away from us and left a bigger and bigger crack.

I kept spinning it and spinning it until the glass was nearly touching the ceiling and where it used to be just a wide space.

"After you," I said, gesturing to the space. Kaya wasted no time diving through the opening, and I soon followed. I yanked the peg that kept the door locked and it pulled out of its position. Kaya pulled on the door handle and it flung open. We tumbled out of the car.

We stood up, smiling at each other, relishing in our success.

Kaya looked at me. "I'm... sorry I was accusing you of being part of this before. I was.. I guess.. I mean, I..."

"It's okay," I said. "I can understand why you might have suspected it at first,"

And, of all things, we laughed. 

Kaya stopped and put a finger to her smiling lips. "Quiet, remember? They could be anywhere,"

"Right," I whispered in reply. 

We looked around for anywhere to run to. We hardly had any ideas.


*Kaya's POV*

"Look!" I whispered, pointing at a house in the distance. "Maybe we can call the police from there!"

Cassandra looked, then nodded. "It's close enough to run to before they come back. I just hope Eleanor and that other girl - Margaret? - forgive us for leaving them behind,"

I hadn't thought about it. "Let's not waste any more time than we need to," I mentioned, and we took off toward the building. 

Both of us were hoping to the Heavens that there were people in this house. It looked like any other house, only there was one long window at the top story that looked a little like a solar panel. I couldn't see any light coming from the inside. 

"This is our only chance. The ONLY one," Cassandra muttered woefully. 

It was true. If this house was empty, we may as well run all the way back home instead. 

Cassandra and I reached the door at the same time. We knocked rapidly and franticly, hoping someone who lived inside could hear us and would let us in. 

The door creaked open. 


And Zayn pulled us inside. 




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